
Contracts shouldn’t be Traps

Vague Language needs to be made clear

Contracts in their most basic form are written agreements between two parties. They outline what will be done by one group and what will be given in return for that effort. They also are meant to establish procedures on how to do things. They are not meant to be traps. A contract should not be something that forces a person against his or her will into various activities. Contract review is a group of legal plan benefits that helps people avoid paper snares.

Always read the contract before you sign it is time honored advice people need to follow. The challenge that arises is that the legal language of a contract can be extremely perplexing to a novice. It happens the people will sign a contract whose language they do not understand. That leads to problems later. An individual may find out to his or her shock that there is an obligation which must be followed with a serious penalty for noncompliance. Clauses of the contract may also limit any attempt to dispute the requirements. Group legal services need to take into account the uninformed state of most consumers. A benefit that will allow an attorney to review the contract is deeply appreciated.

Reviewing the Words

The twists of a phrase in the paragraph can change the entire meaning of a contract. It can create worries for somebody who may be entering into the agreement. The language could be so ambiguous that a person may even be hesitant to even go through with the contract. What a lawyer does as a group legal services benefit is review the language carefully. This legal professional can assure a person that there’s nothing wrong with the contract and it is safe to sign. Conversely, a lawyer can knows there is something very wrong with the contract and recommend caution or perhaps advise certain areas be renegotiated. It is the kind of interpretation work that many people need to have done. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has offered group legal plan benefits to all kinds of organizations since 1987. We require the lawyers who are part of our group legal services network to review contracts of up to six pages. We recruit lawyers who are expert in the language and in the nuances of contract so that a plan member can be assured that the very best advice is given on any document. The service doesn’t stop there.

The Extra Step That is so important

A group legal plan that stands out from the rest should have more than the basic services. Countrywide lawyers will do more than simply look at the contract. If a group legal plan member has a question about the contract the attorneys are glad to accept any telephone calls from them. Our legal professionals will patiently explain what the various clauses mean and answer any questions. They also go one step beyond. At the request of plan member the attorney can contact the other party for better explanation.

No Waiting Around

The other party may have a deadline on when the contractor to be signed, so can be no unnecessary waiting around. A group legal plan member does not have to worry about that from Countrywide. We develop our administration so that service is provided as quickly as possible to a member. The result is the interpretation of the contract is done rapidly, and all questions are
answered in a timely fashion. Our response to request for service is something that has been noted favorably by all of our clients. It is part of the superior customer service we offer.

There are a number of legal options from which to choose, and we gladly tailor a plan to fit the needs of the organization.

We welcome any questions about our group legal services and encourage interested parties to contact us at their convenience.

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