
Debt Counseling Can Help

Everyone grew up on stories of how being in too much debt is a bad thing. Those same stories did not take into account the Great Recession or mounting college debts. Far too many people are drowning in a sea of red ink. It is hard to see a way out and the bills can be frightening notices. Nobody wants to be hassled by a debt collector or have to file bankruptcy. The real difficult is not having the right kind of advice at hand. It is sad that people many times make poor financial decisions based on fear. Debt counseling is a way of helping a person cope with what appears to be a model of financial worry. Financial wellness programs include expert advice.

It Is the Advice of Experts

There are a number of so-called financial consultants who want to help people with their debt loads. The trouble is some of these are not really professional at all. In fact, in areas such as college debt counseling there are some very shady characters. It is quite possible these fake experts can create situations where a person is in even greater trouble than before. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services understands how debt anxiety can impact a person’s well-being. We also are very aware of those who wish take advantage of the debt challenged individual. Our financial wellness program is head and shoulders above the ordinary. We offer a comprehensive plan which provides a number of options. Someone who is having trouble with medical debt or perhaps needs student loan counseling will find our professionals offer great advice. We also have trained experts who can help somebody deal with debt management, and develop the kind of budgets that will help me obligations.

Doing Our Best to Stop the Anxiety

Financial wellness is not just a marketing phrase. Anyone who goes through the anxiety of mounting bills will be affected physically. The amount of stress can cause blood pressure to jump and rob a person of needed sleep. We believe that financial wellness is just like preventive medicine. It can reduce the worry which often causes physical illness.

No one wants to feel bad about his or her debt. It often happens not through excessive spending but simply less-than-perfect financial decisions. Our counselors understand that and do the best possible to not make a person feel terrible about their problem. We are not here to tell a person how badly they screwed up. Instead, the financial wellness program is all about solutions. We are committed to helping a person once again achieved for financial independence.

We Work with Clients

Countrywide has worked with organizations since 1987 developing benefit plans for their employees. We are firm believers in letting a client choose the options. For example, a company with a lot of younger employees may want to offer student loan counseling but not medical debt assistance. We understand this and will tailor the plan to the needs of the client. No matter what options are included, high levels of customer service and empathy are part of the package. We also have designed our administration to allow for quick delivery of service. Our counselors are aware that any Countrywide financial wellness plan member is to be given priority. There is no chance that the plan members issue is going to be hidden in a file somewhere.

Massive debt affects physical health and also mental well-being. A person is hard pressed to concentrate on work issues when major bills lie on the table at home. We want to help folks get their financial house in order, and breathe a little bit easier. The options we have cover all types of debt related situations. We welcome the opportunity to talk anyone interested in our options and encourage them to contact us.

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