
Do You Really Understand the Papers?

The Legal Phrases can be Confusing

 You are having a very busy day with a lot of activity scheduled. You have either a contract or lease agreement to sign and you are in a rush. Do you know what you are signing? If you do not you may be creating some serious future trouble for yourself. The sentences and paragraphs of that document are more important than you think. It often helps to have a group legal plan service look over the pages.

Legal Language can be Confusing

Many of the phrases are centuries old but are still part of the legal system. A warranty you purchase may only be valid in certain cases. Your problem is you do not fully understand what has been written. The decision nevertheless will get you in trouble. Group legal services of a high quality provider will allow for contract and legal paper interpretation. The lawyers are able to understand the wording because they deal with it every day. Those people who are part of group legal plan take advantage of their expertise. It is rare that such a plan member is duped into signing something with hidden meanings. This is the kind of assistance that Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services will provide. Our group legal services are offered by seasoned professionals of the law, and they will review those legal documents.

We get rid of the Confusion

Countrywide will allow for the interpretation of up to six pages of legal text. That is roughly the size of every standard contract and definitely more than a lease agreement. Our attorneys can spot those paragraphs which can cause difficulties later on. They will point this out to the group legal services plan member, and allow that person to decide whether or not to sign the papers. It may even happen thanks to the help of an attorney that the contract can be renegotiated. Terms more favorable to the group legal plan member can then be stated.

The secondary services provided by Countrywide are just as important. We allow the plan member to make as many telephone calls as necessary for the given topic and permit face to face consultations. In other words, any particular questions you may have about a contract can be handled quickly. If the other party has to be contacted the attorney will provide telephone calls or letters written on legal stationary. Everything is done to be sure service is well provided.

Good Service to the Client

We do all which is possible to help our clients. Countrywide has provided legal plan benefits for all kinds of organizations. Our concern is that the client is provided group legal services their staff really needs. What we will do is tailor the plan to what the client requests. We have a streamlined administration to make things move faster and more convenient. In addition to all of this is the customer service provided. No one is kept waiting by our attorneys. We insist that any Countrywide group legal plan member be given top priority. There is no unnecessary waiting.

It would be a major catastrophe if a person signs a legal document he or she does not understand. Countrywide does not want to see that happen to any plan member of ours. There can be a lot of deviltry in the details and deception in the sentences. Rest assured our attorneys will spot any attempt to deceive any plan member. Interpretation of legal documents is just one of the many options want will provide. There are other services that we would be more than willing to provide based on what the client wants. We encourage anyone interested in a Countrywide plan to contact us about any or all of our services.

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