
If the Bottom Line Gets Blurry

Helping to Understand Contract Language

The most common form of legal document people deal with is a contract. They do not have to be the size of a book and many contracts are just a few pages long. Nevertheless, they are full of words and phrases people are not familiar with it all. There can be some understandable confusion for a layman which can result in a useful contract not be signed. The person is just too concerned he or she may be walking into a trap. A group legal plan that provides a review of contracts can help make things more understandable

Calming down the Fears

Television and movies stories that speak of secret clauses or shady deals that people are enticed into. It is the stuff of Hollywood but not always that of the legal system. Much of the language used in contracts is meant for definition and also for protection. A clause may sound threatening could actually be something that is the best defense against scam. Legal services that are sensitive to the anxieties of a plan member allow for interpretation of contract. It is something that Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services includes as an option in group legal plan design.

A lawyer who is part of the Countrywide group legal services network will review any contract up to six pages in length. This professional will go over information and explain to a plan member what the obligations are. The attorney will also define how the individual is protected from unscrupulous activity and what recourse the contract allows if there is suspicion of foul play. A group legal services plan member gradually begins to understand that the contract is no cause for fear. The person is then able to enter into the agreement with more confidence.

Helpful Service For Every Plan Membe
Those who are looking at contracts appreciate having someone who shows sympathy. An understanding tone lets that anxious person know that his or her concerns are taking seriously. Countrywide expects attorneys to be expert in areas of contract law and provide the best possible advice. However, good people skills are just as important to use. The lawyer has to be able to explain and empathize all at the same time. It is part of helping a person come to grips with language he or she may find confusing. Our group legal plan offerings are meant to go the extra mile for every person who is a member of the plan. We are proud of the fact that so many human resources departments have commented favorably on our ability to provide expert advice with genuine sincerity. Nobody is talked down to and everything is fully explained. To better assist a group legal plan member, we allow for unlimited number of telephone calls to the attorney on any given matter. This person will also make telephone calls and write letters on behalf of a group legal services plan member. Whatever is necessary to clarify contract language will be done for the person.
Highly Efficient Administration Is Provided
Contract language can be confusing and elaborate administration is aggravating. Countrywide wants everybody to receive deserved benefits as quickly and as efficiently as possible. We deliberately simplify all administration. That allows for better service to the plan member, which is one of our major goals. People who are used to waiting for service are genuinely surprised at how quick our delivery is. They are also very happy with the quality which is the best in the industry.

Human resources wants to help employees who worry about hidden clauses in a contract. Many look to Countrywide as the best way to assist a person who is having trouble understanding the contractual provisions. We are flexible in the design of group legal services plans and very responsive in administration. Other options that we have can further assist employees with all their legal matters.

We welcome any questions that a human resources director or corporate decision maker may have about our benefits. Please do feel free to contact us.

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