
Removing a Legal Fog

Everything is made clearer with the help of an attorney

The text of a legal document is commonly referred to as legalese and appears be a combination of Greek and Chinese. There are words and definitions that are very difficult for a person to understand. The language can be found in contracts, rental leases, and warranties among other pieces of paper. An immediate reaction for anyone who does not understand the language is to back away. There is a very sincere fear that the words allow the other party to take an undue advantage. One of the group legal services of a highly effective group legal plan is the ability to have interpretation of these important documents.

Is There Willful Deception?

Ordinarily not. People who draft contracts or rental agreements are usually not trying to commit a fraud. There’s too much risk of legal consequences in deliberately deceiving the other party. Ignorance and convenience are primary culprits. Those who don’t know how to write a contract will rely on templates that are downloaded from a website. It seems harmless but it sometimes is not. For example, a landlord may draft a rental agreement from a template but does not take into consideration the landlord/tenant laws currently in existence (don’t be surprised the website has disclaimers that protect it from any liability). It also possible the contract is outdated and the laws have changed. An attorney who is part of a group legal plan can spot immediately such inconsistencies. It can quickly be pointed out that a given contract or lease is not valid under law. That would result in a new document being drafted, but that is better than having horrible misunderstandings later on.

Making the Language Clear

An attorney makes a career out of understanding very complicated legal language. This person is well-qualified to explain the document to a group legal plan member. Some of the nuances of the sentences may be incredibly vague to a consumer. An attorney who is part of the group legal services rendered can carefully explain what seems very ambiguous. The fog of uncertainty begins to rise as the plan member better understands the language. This confidence permits the transaction to continue forward with both parties understanding the other.

Countrywide Wants to Make It All Transparent

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is aware that ordinary people have a hard time with legal nouns and verbs. We have designed group legal plan benefits for organizations since 1987 and we know the anxiety a person feels when looking at a contract. Our attorneys are available to help interpret the paragraphs. They will point out to a person the obligations and requirements of any contract, and scrutinize a lease agreement to be sure it is compliant with the law. People understandably have questions that need answers. Countrywide group legal services includes unlimited telephone calls on a given subject. The attorneys in our national network will respond to all the questions a plan member may have. If it helps to have a face-to-face consultation that can certainly be arranged. Countrywide goes a step further with the secondary benefits. If a phone call or correspondence needs to be sent to second party it will be done. All the while the plan member receives the courtesy and respect he or she should have from people sensitive lawyers.

Countrywide Plans Fit the Client Needs

Interpreting legal documents is just one of the many benefits we have. There are any number of other group legal services options that we will tailor to the needs of the client organization. Whatever the client wants to have as a benefit option will be in the final plan document. This flexibility helps us better respond to the desires of management. We welcome the opportunity to go over all of our benefit options and encourage decision-makers to contact us.

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