
Securing the Award

Small Claims Court will not do it for you

Regrettably, some issues cannot be settled by talking them out. An impasse can be so great that the only means of solution is to file a case in small claims court. The result of a hearing before the bench can be an award of money to the plaintiff. That is all the court will do; the plaintiff has the responsibility for collecting the cash. That can be a difficult process for anyone who is not a member of a group legal plan. It can happen that the fees a lawyer will charge are larger than the award itself.

Getting the Settlement Is Not Easy

A defendant to a certain degree banks on the inconvenience of getting the award. The plaintiff may have to jump through a series of expensive and time consuming legal hoops in order to get the money. The award consequently may not be worth pursuing. Group legal services can include assistance with getting a small claims court award. The help comes from an attorney in the plan network who will help in doing all the necessary filings. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services includes advice on how to prepare a case for small claims court, but that is only part of the service. Countrywide lawyers will also assist with placing a lien on the defendant’s property, garnishing wages, or preparing paperwork necessary to seize assets. These are group legal services that are very harsh, but such options may be the only way to get what is owed from the defendant. Group legal plan services such as these bring the plaintiff closer to getting what is owed.

Small Claims Court Can Be Avoided.

The best service a lawyer can provide is avoiding Small Claims Court entirely. This is done through the communication aid that is part of the group legal services. An attorney can provide correspondence and telephone calls on behalf of a plan member to the other party. Powers of persuasion will hopefully get the other side to see reason before more serious action has to be used. Advice is what an attorney provides best of all. A little guidance to a group legal plan member can outline various options, and what can be done that doesn’t require a court appearance. Countrywide encourages a plan member to seek advice by allowing for an unlimited number of telephone calls on a given situation. Face-to-face consultations are also possible within the plan. Countrywide selects attorneys based on their expert understanding of the law. These professionals can give the kind of advice needed in developing a small claims case, and how to properly seek any award. The lawyers are also screened on their ability to provide excellent client service.

The administration of the Countrywide group legal plan is intended to be as efficient as possible. This is a considerable service in a situation where getting an award is going to require a lot of processing. No matter what the outcome of the dispute, a Countrywide plan member can be assured that he or she will receive the best service possible. That is something that human resources directors always want to hear.

Plans Tailored to the Organization

Boilerplate plans are useless in many situations. Management always prefers to have something that is developed for the organization’s unique workforce. Countrywide will put only those options which decision-makers feel are important in the final plan. This allows for a group legal services benefit that perfectly fits the needs of the employees. Countrywide has every benefit option that a fully comprehensive legal plan needs to provide the very best assistance.

We encourage decision-makers to contact us so we can better explain how we can help their employees. Contact us today!

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