
Something to be Wary Of

Warranties have been used for Scams


Consumers want some security whenever they make large purchases such as automobiles. A warranty that covers parts and labor costs is something that can be very attractive. The warranty, however, is also a breeding ground for scams. The services offered by a group legal plan are critical in dealing with such matters.

Beware of Third Party Warranties

An area of concern is the third party warranty. Those who issue these have no connection to the product whatsoever; they are not the manufacturer. The trouble with the third-party warranty is instability. They do not always stay in business, and these companies crash and burn all the time. A third-party warranty company is an expert at the hard sell. You can expect phone calls and emails telling you to purchase the warranty right away to avoid significant cost later on.

Extended warranties are also used to deceive consumers. Legal support which include the advice of an attorney can help a person avoid being taken advantage of by vendors. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has consumer help as one of the options in our group legal plan package.

Countrywide Offers Reliable Help

We have a network of lawyers nationwide to provide support to our plan members. Something they work with is consumer protection and warranties. These attorneys are very familiar with the unethical practices of individual vendors. They can caution the person to read the fine print before signing, and also check on the financial integrity of the provider.

It is always a wise decision to read a document before you sign it. It is an even smarter move not to sign a warranty at the store. The vendor is going to continue a hard sell to pressure you into signing. A group legal plan member can take the document to a Countrywide lawyer for analysis. This legal professional will know where problems may lie hidden.

They can take a look at the language and point out any problems. The lawyers may also be aware of unethical third-party vendors. Regrettably, there may be situations where a person has already signed a warranty and paid the money. Our pre-paid legal services do not end with just examining the document. We also deal with consumer protection.

Our Assistance is Comprehensive

The plan member finds in much relief that the Countrywide group legal plan service is comprehensive. If the warranty appears fraudulent, we will help in individual files consumer protection for redress. The attorney can also make telephone calls and write correspondence on behalf of a plan member. This type of pre-paid legal services lets the vendor know that a lawyer is involved. It could happen that money will be refunded and the warranty discarded due to the legal third party.

We serve the client and Countrywide’s experience with organizations since 1987 convinces us that choice is the best strategy. Consequently, we will let the client company decide what pre-paid legal services options will be part of the overall plan. What is thus developed is a benefit that best serves the demographics of a particular organization. The staff gets the kind of assistance they truly need to help them with various problems.

A valid warranty can lower the cost of any expenses and gives a fair amount of security. However, this cannot be said for those warranties which are sold by less than reputable vendors. Countrywide does everything to make sure that no one is taking advantage of when it comes to the war. Help with consumer protection is just part of the full package of services provided. All of our benefit options are meant to help employees deal with modern challenges. We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to explain further everything we can do for a client. We ask decision-makers contact us at their earliest convenience.

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