
A Watchman on the Credit

Keeping ID information safe

A cashless economy is extremely convenient for people. Consumers really don’t enjoy carrying around large sums of money and debit and credit cards are a great convenience. The downside is the possibility of identity theft. Hackers have upped their game when it comes to larceny, knowing that a gold mine can be uncovered with the right code. These deeds are beginning to crack open a number of security walls. The results are reports in the media of numerous credit card identity thefts. People have a right to be nervous about this and try to find protection from such privacy invasions. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers ID theft prevention and assistance as an added benefit to a group legal plan.

Time is critical

Cyber thieves move quickly. They will establish new credit cards with the information they’ve stolen. Once that happens, they will use the cards for a period of time and then get rid of them. The victim does not know what has happened until weeks have passed. Then, the bill arrives and a person realizes that his or her personal information has been compromised. By that time the thief is long gone. What is left is a person trying to reconstruct credit reputation and financial standing. Industry research indicates that for an instance of identity theft a person will spend around 200 hours restoring credit reliability. The voluntary benefit plan we offer helps a person with this process.

An Array of Services

A Countrywide group legal plan with ID theft prevention assistance provides a toolkit for plan member. This is a step-by-step guide for reconstructing identity. It will include contact numbers for the credit reporting bureaus, affidavits, and other important information. But that is not all that a Countrywide voluntary benefit for legal services provides. What is a standard part of the Personal Legal Protector Plan are a number of services that an attorney can provide for the individual. This could include advice on how to go through the process of regaining information integrity. The attorneys understand just how traumatic identity theft can be, and an unlimited number of telephone calls on the situation can be made to the lawyer’s office.

Our voluntary benefit plan also carries with it a promise of empathy. The lawyers will help with the technical side of the law, but this is assistance that is done with the personal touch. All questions are answered patiently and if the plan member needs a face-to-face consultation with a lawyer that is part of the group legal plan service. Our attorneys will also write necessary letters and make telephone calls on behalf of the individual. A Countrywide voluntary benefit plan will help a person get back on his or her financial feet.

The Sign of a Good Employer

Identity theft is rarely work related but it can have a dramatic impact on the employee. Managers know that such a crime is demoralizing. A group legal plan that helps an employee restore his or her credit is the mark of an employer who truly cares for the workforce. This type of open hearted assistance does not go unnoticed by hard-working employees, and they respect their employer that much more because of such a voluntary benefit plan.

We see to it that our benefits are very easy to administer and that service is prompt and efficient. Human resource directors all appreciate how each plan member is treated with a great deal of respect. We can tailor a voluntary benefit plan to fit the needs of an employer, and there are other options besides ID theft prevention and assistance. We welcome the opportunity to explain in greater detail to any decision-maker what we have to offer. Please do feel free to contact us.

Act now, contact us for more information or to set up an appointment with one of our Countrywide Representatives.

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