
Cutting through Adoption Red Tape

It would be great if adoptions happened just like in the movies where there was always a happy ending. It is sad, but modern-day adoptions are lengthy struggles with laws and regulations. The amount of paperwork and procedures are enough to make a person think of giving up the process entirely. When that happens the children are the real losers.

Needs and requirements for Connecticut adoptions

Federal, state and local background checks are necessary for prospective adoptive parents as well as fingerprints. Home studies are standard procedure in many states and Connecticut is no exception. Connecticut law does allow single parents and same gender parents to adopt in addition to traditional parent relationships, but the whole process is still the same no matter who wishes to adopt. This includes specific steps to take by prospective parents who are not related by blood, and other requirements for blood relatives and stepparents. It all depends on the relationship to the child being adopted. If the birth parents are alive, there has to be an acknowledgment that parental rights have been terminated and any adoption is irrevocable. The twists and turns that must be made by anyone wishing to adopt can be draining.

Possible problems for employers

Decreased employee productivity is not just a consequence of absenteeism. It has been estimated that presenteeism, a condition where an employee is on the job but distracted from work projects due to outside problems, accounts for three quarters of any drop in performance. Furthermore, there is a correlation between outside induced stresses and increases in medical claims against the health care plan. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has helped numerous companies for decades developing group legal plans. Working with employers, Countrywide can design a voluntary payroll deduction benefit that connects those wanting to adopt with legal counsel that can expedite the process. Weeks of waiting and problems with proper filings can be dramatically reduced, allowing new parents to spend more time bonding with the adopted child than in dealing with the courts. The result isn’t just less stress. It is an employee experiencing the joy of being a parent and that is definitely a morale boost reflected in a better attitude on the job.

These group legal benefits, supported by a of voluntary payroll deduction schedule allow employees to make use of the services of lawyers experienced in matters of family law and the adoption process. With their highly capable knowledge of procedure, the attorneys can assist in making the entire process less painful and more time efficient. This is the kind of help that employees need for greater peace of mind. Employers who have group legal plans quickly discover their workforce is less stressed out by outside distractions. It also has a positive effect on rates of absenteeism, something every business establishment wants to have. Countrywide prides itself on developing a working relationship with companies, associations, and unions to develop a group legal plan that accurately addresses the needs of an employee or member while at the same time is easy to administer, because it is a voluntary payroll deduction, and well within any personal or organizational budget.

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