
Dealing with a Financial Nightmare Countrywide Ends the Emergency

The holiday shopping season is about to begin. Many people are excited and a little Christmas spirit helps get folks out of a funk. Some employees, unfortunately, are profoundly depressed and worried. These have personal debts, which have stressed their budgets to the breaking point. They face bankruptcy or foreclosure.

They Don’t Deserve Blame

The past year has been extraordinary. COVID-19 has severely hit everyone’s finances. Stimulus checks helped, but economic hardships still prevail. College debt, credit cards, and emergency medical expenses hammered many consumers. Their financial wellness is being compromised. Anxiety will lead to poor decisions that create formal mistakes. Those in financial danger need help as soon as possible. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services knows the risks that financial panic creates. We have a program to help employees regain their economic balance.

Seasoned Professionals to the Rescue

Excellent advice and guidance is the best way to end a money nightmare. Countrywide has a nationwide network of certified counselors who help people with everyday financial problems. There is a Countrywide counselor in the community of a Countrywide client. The Countrywide financial wellness plan member receives priority attention from professionals who practice social distancing.

A sensible budget is one of the best ways of averting catastrophe. Those who teeter on the brink of bankruptcy must get their financial house in order and a Countrywide counselor is there to help. Our professionals will sit down with the plan member and look at the domestic budget. The counselor will make recommendations for budget adjustments. Perhaps individual credit cards can be paid off immediately while entertainment expenses are reduced. Ways to free up cash are explained, and suggestions for dealing with college or medical debts are investigated. The intent is to slam the brakes on a truck headed towards the financial abyss.

The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 specifies how a person files for bankruptcy and the counseling needed before their debt can be discharged in bankruptcy. Countrywide has the debtor education course required so  that a person who needs to file bankruptcy can move forward.

We offer a debt management plan which will help negotiate lower interest rates, request smaller payments and waive fees that a creditor might charge. This will cost a little bit extra, but the Debt Management Plan demonstrates to creditors a sincere interest in making good on what is owed. It is a course of action that includes ongoing counseling and customer assistance for someone whose financial wellness is in serious trouble.

The Help of a Client

Our financial wellness plans are the result of a teamwork effort. We offer superior services, and we want the plan document to provide benefits that the employees need. We ask the decision-makers of a client organization to decide what options will be part of their program.

We will gladly go over each one of our benefits with the employer. We will not emphasize one service over another but will carefully answer any client questions. The final selections are incorporated into the plan document. We provide a streamlined administration that permits us to give needed help quickly.

Anyone who is in severe financial wellness trouble is a little embarrassed by the situation. Countrywide does not lecture or preach to these unfortunate people. Our counselors are tasked with providing answers and solutions. We expect a Countrywide counselor to show the kind of empathy and understanding needed to calm a person’s nerves. We are proud of the reputation we created over the years of having high levels of emotional intelligence. We respect our plan members.

If you have any questions about our financial wellness program, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We appreciate any interest, and we welcome the opportunity to explain what we can do to help your employees maintain sound personal finances.

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