
To Get Out of Debt, You Need a Plan

Being Organized Helps


Debt has a way of creeping up on you. It is something you perhaps do not notice in the beginning, but it could be a steady advance. Car loans, followed by a mortgage, and credit card debt on top of all that will add a lot of ballast to your financial ship. Before the boat sinks, you have to find a way to safeguard your financial wellness. Having a plan is going to be crucial.

Debt Management Plans Are Pro-Active

Controlling debt and losing weight are popular New Year’s resolutions. The problem is people don’t stay the course. A couple of weeks goes by, and the bad habits resurface. It is human nature that also threatens financial wealth. A debt management plan helps in a number of ways. It not only convinces a person to follow a process whereby debt is paid but also impresses on creditors an individual is serious about payments. A well-constructed plan can convince creditors to lower interest rates on the current debt or fees related to the obligation. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a financial wellness program that includes developing a debt management plan for the individual.

Serious, Professional Help

The debt management plan Countrywide constructs is more than just a form filled out. We have a nationwide network of certified counselors who have experience in assisting people to get control of their debt. The plan itself is developed only after there’s been a detailed examination of a plan member’s financial wellness. It creates a pathway to monetary stability, which is something any creditor take a serious look at. A financial wellness plan member who seeks assistance is somebody who needs the help. Our certified counselors are not going to scold or lecture anyone. The intent is to make certain there is a way towards better management of any obligations.

Giving the Right Assistance to Employees

Organizations more sensitive to the needs of their employees want to provide benefits which make a difference. It is pointless to offer a benefit which no one is going to use. The financial wellness program administered by Countrywide addresses modern problems. Many employees are caught in a serious money trap. It isn’t just the mortgage but perhaps a student loan as well which is putting weight on their shoulders. A debt management plan adds a little sanity into the situation. It relieves a lot of anxiety. This is part of the overall benefit that both young employees and senior workers can use. There is a fee for service plan, but it does not exceed $60 a month. The positive impact of it debt management is well worth the cost.

You want to assure organizations that there is choice involved. Countrywide has worked with employers since 1987, and we know that different needs depend on the workforce. We allow companies to decide what benefits are going to be part of the financial wellness program. Countrywide will administer the benefit professionally and efficiently. No one has to wait for service, and the plan member is connected to a certified counselor as soon as possible. No matter who the employee is, the service comes with Countrywide’s commitment to respect and courtesy. We seek to solve problems and not create other issues.

Our plan is a comprehensive program which includes other options. Taken as a whole, this benefit is one which reestablishes the financial integrity of an employee overburdened by money problems. We welcome the opportunity to explain in greater detail all of the ways we can help. We encourage decision-makers in human resources director to contact us at the earliest convenience to find out more.

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