
Handling Black Friday Debt Do not Get Stuck with a Debt Turkey

Black Friday is the biggest consumer spending day of the year. Consumers pull out the plastic and search online and traditional stores for all bargains. Some buyers will discover their credit cards are about to be maxed out. How did that happen?

Top Heavy Balances

Stimulus checks helped, but many people ran short of money during the lockdowns. These people were forced to use their credit cards frequently. The financial wellness of many became problematic. The balances grew top-heavy with debt and not because of impulse buying. The credit cards were needed for survival. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services understands the anxiety created by credit debt. We have a benefit plan that addresses financial wellness. We want to help plan members regain control of their finances.

Certified Counselors Will Help

Our assistance is direct and personal. Countrywide does not rely on chat rooms to help those in trouble. Countrywide has a nationwide network of certified counselors who provide the services. These people are experts in solving common financial wellness issues. There is a Countrywide counselor in every community where there is a Countrywide client.

Creating Structure

The best way to deal with card debt is to be organized. Countrywide counselors will do a budget analysis to examine cash flow and to recognize a person’s spending habits. The counselor will use the information to offer advice based on a plan member’s financial wellness situation.

There are strategies to reduce substantial credit balances. A person can pay off one credit card at a time or consider a consolidation loan that reduces confusion about payments. A well-prepared consumer can request lower interest rates and negotiate smaller payments. These are examples of the financial wellness ideas a Countrywide counselor might suggest.

Empathy Is a Significant Benefit

It is not easy to discuss personal financial wellness issues. Plan members can be defensive. Countrywide counselors do not lecture or scold anyone. They are problem solvers who help plan members resolve an issue. The Countrywide counselor will listen patiently to the problems and gently suggest solutions. Every plan member is respected regardless of the job title. Countrywide recruits counselors based on people skills, and we insist on high levels of emotional intelligence. Our clients commented favorably on the respect which our staff gives all their employees.

The Client Is the Decider

We build a working relationship with our clients to design a high-quality benefits program. We admit that we do not know what employees of a client need when it comes to financial services. We ask the decision-makers to tell us what benefits they want to be part of their unique plan.

We go over all our services with a prospective client. We answer every question thoroughly and explain how an ordinary person benefits from a Countrywide plan. We understand that not all of our benefits are going to be selected by a client. That is not a problem with us. Countrywide wants those services, which will make a difference be a part of a client’s benefit. The selections are respected by us and will be part of the final plan document.

Countrywide provides the services and a streamlined administration that gets plan members what they need quickly. We do not want anyone to wait for assistance. As mentioned earlier, our certified counselors have superior people skills, and they are there to help. All our counselors practice social distancing. No one needs to be afraid of working with them.

The holiday season brings a feeling of warmth and generosity and it also comes with higher than usual credit card debt. We can help anyone manage their bills without having to make significant adjustments to their everyday lifestyles. If you have any questions about our services, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We are here to be of service and we gladly answer all questions.

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