
Identity Theft is Real!

ID Protection is Important


We trust people and unfortunately that can be a terrible mistake. Someone calls during the day and says that your computer needs to be checked for virus. Without thinking, confidential information such as a credit card number is shared over the phone. That is dangerous because identity thieves don’t just hack into online accounts. They will call and steal information from an unsuspecting person. The resulting emergency is quite real. The thief will immediately take that information and use the credit card. Even worse, if other personal information is shared, a bogus credit card can be established and maxed out with purchases. The victim may not know about the theft until days or weeks later. An important group legal plan that every human resources director should consider is one that will help safeguard a person’s identity. We offer such protection.

Recovery Can Be Long and Painful

The damage done to the person’s financial status can be extensive. Credit card ratings plummet because of an ID theft, and this can stop a person from getting a car loan or any other personal loan. Trying to undo the damage is going to preoccupy much of a person’s time if there’s no assistance. Group legal services that offer protection and help are critical in these situations. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers the options of either the Platinum ID Protector Plan, or the Premier ID Protector Plan. While each plan has distinct benefits both include the following:

• Triple Bureau credit reporting (Experian™, Equifax™, and TransUnion™);
• $25,000 in identity theft insurance;
What we offer with either is a group legal plan that responds proactively to a crisis. The group legal services are highly effective .The credit reports can identify immediately when problems have occurred in the credit rating. This allows a victim to take action. This is important because the sooner the emergency is handled, the faster the remedies can be put in place. The restoration of the person’s financial status may require fees having to be paid for various services and assistance. Thatis where the identity theft insurance provides indispensable group legal services. It can help cover all
the costs that a person may encounter.

The Best Service in a Serious Matter.

Anyone who has been the victim of an identity theft will speak of how violated they feel. It is a very traumatic experience. This is certainly not a time for anyone to feel like a case number. Countrywide is committed to providing the very best customer service, especially in these situations.

The questions which are asked will be immediately answered with the best advice possible. At the same time, Countrywide customer support has a caring disposition. No one who is a member of one of these group legal services plans will feel like they have been talking to a machine. Sensitivity and understanding help is something any Countrywide group legal plan member is going to receive.

Immediate Administration of Service

When a group legal services plan member calls in to report identity theft. Countrywide goes into action immediately. Our administration is deliberately designed to provide quick service. This is something that many plan members who experienced identity theft have noted. They all have our timely reaction to the problem. The Countrywide administration service stays in top gear throughout the resolution of the crisis. Again, it is something that is means the world to the victims.

Human resources never stands idly by when an employee is in a crisis situation. Employee relations specialists know just how important it is to handle in identity theft crisis quickly and effectively. Countrywide is a fire engine racing to a fire in the dead of night. We see to it the damage is controlled and procedures for resolution have been firmly established. We know that human resources wants to have employees protected from these invasions of privacy.

We welcome the inquiry of any human resources director or manager about our identity theft plans, as well as other group legal plan benefits we can provide. Contact us today!

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