
Immigrants Face Real Challenges

It is more than not speaking English

Television and newspapers are full of stories about the number of foreigners coming into the United States. We need to remember that many of these people are here legally and are law abiding residents of this country. They face incredible obstacles and trying to become part of the American community and it is more than just a language barrier. Many times the services of a group legal plan are desperately needed.




An Inability to Get Services

Not being able to speak English fluently is just one of the problems. The language and ignorance about the American legal system make things very difficult. Children of immigrants may have special needs that require publicly funded assistance programs. An inability to get tutoring for special help can keep these young people back, denying them a chance for opportunities later. The ability to get housing can be a serious dilemma as families try to get a roof over their heads. Group legal services are meant to help people overcome obstacles. This includes assistance with contacting government agencies, interpreting contracts and leases, highly technical contracts and leases, and making sure that warranties are honored. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services designs group legal plan benefits which are meant to provide help.


Group Legal Services Can Remove Roadblocks

Our attorneys are very familiar with all aspects of the American legal system. They also have an understanding how government agencies work. Needed public assistance such as child education and housing require filling out very complicated forms. Countrywide attorneys will help with the paperwork and explain what is required. It is unfortunate but sometimes new arrivals are the victims of unethical business owners. Warranties purchased in good faith are sometimes ignored. Countrywide firmly believes that immigrant status should not make these people victims. An attorney will be able to assist a foreign person in having authority honored, and will also help in filing a consumer complaint if that is necessary. Having group legal services like this assures that the person knew this country is not take advantage of by dishonest people.

America is a great country but it can be frightening to somebody who is from a different culture. This is why Countrywide stresses empathy. Anyone who is a member of a Countrywide group legal plan is treated with respect. We allow for unlimited number of telephone calls a given situation. If anyone feels more comfortable with a face-to-face meeting, this is allowed can be arranged. The Countrywide attorney lives in the community. This individual is easy to access. We also expect the attorney to give top priority to one of our group legal plan members. Everything is done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Providing Great Support for Employees

Many organizations hire foreign-born employees who have special expertise. These people need to be able to concentrate on work and not worry about the welfare of their families. Countrywide has designed group legal services benefits since 1987 for all kinds of organizations. An immigrant who happens to be a member of one of our legal plans gets the best possible service. We try to make things as simple as possible and have streamlined our administration to guarantee quick service. Many of our clients have commented favorably about the way their employees are treated by our attorneys. The customer service is all part of our high standards of quality.

America should always be land of opportunity. People from distant countries need help in adjusting to the language and also the legal climate. Countrywide attorneys are highly skilled professionals certainly make a difference. Needed public services and protection against consumer fraud are just two of the benefit options we provide. We will gladly tailor any plan to the needs of an organization. Please do feel free to contact us about all our options.

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