
Keeping them at their stations

Legal Services can reduce abseentism

April is the cruelest month breeding and many folks in the service industry will agree with that line from T. S. Elliott. The early part of the year is tax season, and the accounting and finance offices of major companies are scrambling to crunch the figures. Accounting firms will prohibit the use of vacation, and other companies will insist the personal days not be used. It is because having everybody in their cubicle hard at work is needed at this time. Unfortunately, such restrictions don’t always stop absenteeism. People who are suddenly faced with domestic issues will call in sick in order to attend to private matters. A number of reasons for people not showing up can be legal emergencies, and a voluntary benefit which offers legal assistance can reduce the absenteeism figures.

Someone to Carry the Load

When an employee becomes a group legal plan member, he or she has access to some great advantages. That person is able to call on the services of a local attorney who is part of a legal network. This legal professional can provide all kinds of assistance. Advice on matters such as traffic violations, child custody, and preparation of wills are just part of what a voluntary benefit for legal assistance can provide. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a group legal plan that provides help in matters involving the law. The Personal Legal Protector Plan offers the kind of help that removes a serious distraction. Employees are sometimes absent from work to do research on cases that are about to come before small claims court. A Countrywide lawyer can do all the research and offer advice on how to present the facts before the bench.

Disputes can arise over contracts and that again will draw attention away from work. A Countrywide lawyer will review a contract of up to six pages and offer seasoned advice on what to do. That same lawyer can make telephone calls and write correspondence if there is a problem with a warranty or a landlord. The benefit for an employer is this voluntary benefit will allow a hard-working person to stay on the job. A plan member knows that the attorney is doing a lot of the legwork in carrying the load.

Extra Help That Means a Lot

A voluntary benefit for legal services should have a little extra. The Countrywide group legal plan will enable a person to have unlimited telephone calls on the given situation to the attorney. It means a plan member doesn’t have to take time off from work to have a question answered. The lawyers do not treat anyone as if he or she was a case file. Countrywide has received favorable comments from clients for the hands-on empathy shown to voluntary benefit plan members. We expect courtesy from all our attorneys. A willingness to go the extra mile is also a trademark of Countrywide.

Plans Tailored to the Need

Human resources departments always have a full plate and we do not want to add to the workload. It is why Countrywide voluntary benefit plans are easy to administer. We have designed group legal plan benefits since 1987. Our experience tells us that not every organization is the same and individual clients have unique needs. We are more than happy to tailor any plan to better meet the needs of an employer. The same high quality customer service is part of any final design.

Outside legal assistance can keep employees working on projects during busy times. Countrywide also offers a number of other benefits that an organization may want to have.

We encourage decision-makers to contact us today about anything we can do to help keep their employees focused on task.

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