
Make A Plan for Financial Wellness – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Will Help Young Employees

Students will talk about their post-graduation plans and what jobs they would like to have. They have wonderful objectives but not all of them understand the challenges life will present. The real world can be a shock to any new graduate

The College Debt Pit

Colleges are becoming increasingly more expensive. Many young people graduate with student loan obligations the size of a mortgage. They may have little idea of how to address paying back their loans. Lack of knowledge or ideas will threaten financial wellness.

Young employees could use some assistance. They need some form of blueprint to help avoid using forbearance and to assist in paying the monthly installments properly. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers a Financial Wellness Plan to help get out of the college debt pit.

Drafting a Plan

Life after college can be overwhelming. A person might not understand the basics of budgeting. Countrywide uses a nationwide network of certified counselors to provide services. These are financial professionals who have a career in helping others out of fiscal problems.

Our counselors do business in the communities of our clients. Arranging for a face-to-face meeting is not a problem and plan members get priority.

A Countrywide counselor will do a budget analysis for the plan member. Young employees may have no experience with money and the analysis is a worthwhile educational experience. The plan member gets a better idea of how to allocate a paycheck sensibly.

Banks, the government, and other lending institutions want their money. They are not too particular on how they get the money as long as they receive it. Affordable payment schedules can be arranged. Certain government loans can be reduced if a person qualifies for a reduction. A Countrywide counselor will help identify any eligibility.

The size of some student debt may be staggering. A plan member could be in serious financial difficulty trying to pay off the loans. The Countrywide Financial Wellness benefit includes a Debt Management Plan. This benefit provides additional counseling and help that is meant for those in serious trouble. It will cost a little extra, but for anyone with serious financial wellness trouble, the plan is a lifesaver.

Our benefit provides information and guidance that new employees desperately need. College debt is just one challenge facing these highly skilled people. Many have no idea on how to save for a special purchase or prepare for a medical emergency. Countrywide counselors offer the kind of support a person needs to get started financially in the real world. Our clients tell us how much their new staff people appreciate the attention.

The Employer Is Part of the Process

We have several options within our overall plan that can help. Each one is intended to provide the right service. Employers want to have efficient benefits and it means that anything offered to employees must be usable by everyone. Countrywide knows that selection is the best way to assure a good plan. We permit clients to choose the options that will be part of their financial wellness program. Our commitment is to provide that service with the best quality and efficiency. Our counselors are chosen for financial expertise and superior people skills. A prospective client can rest assured that every employee who is a plan member is treated with respect and their problems taken seriously. We are here to be of service to everyone in the plan.

One of the benefits of the assistance is to remove anxiety from the minds of new college graduates. They get a better understanding of how to manage the money as well as paying down college debt. They can take more confident steps in the adult world because of the attention Countrywide counselors give. Employers benefit with increased productivity and higher morale coming from these new people.

Please feel free to contact us and ask any questions about our financial wellness benefits. We want to be able to help your employees deal with financial problems that they face and assist them in overcoming any financial obstacle.

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