
Protecting the Family

Legal Services can Resolve Problems

It is nice when home is a place to escape from all the tension of the day. That does not always happen. There are times when a hard-working employee can walk into a house full of issues that are simply chaotic to put it mildly. These can be situations of custody, needed services, and perhaps even a dispute with the landlord. America has been blessed with many hard-working immigrants but for some there are issues involving their citizenship status. These can be members of the family like a spouse. The domestic issues can press down hard on an individual. An employee sensitive company ought to consider having group legal services as a benefit.

It Is Help That Is Needed

Legal issues and problems can hit the home from all angles. Perhaps the toughest ones involve the need for various government services. A child that has a learning disability or infirm parent who is a dependent may have need of medical assistance. These are available from the government but the red tape can strangle the delivery. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services understands the frustration and anxiety a person experiences when his or her family cannot get the services they need. Our group legal plans are intended to make a difference. We seek to provide the kind of legal help that a family in the depths of a domestic crisis can definitely appreciate.

The Necessary Tools to Fix Problems

There is no one service that will resolve all problems. It is why Countrywide includes a number of options in the group legal plan designs provided. A Countrywide attorney is able to advise on dealing with government agencies, reviewing contracts and documents regarding dependent custody, help compose power of attorney and living wills, and basically serve as trusted support in domestic issues. Our services include letters written by attorneys on behalf of plan members, and unlimited telephone calls may be made to a Countrywide lawyer on a given problem. When an issue rises to the point where it seems overwhelming, is often the legal expertise of our attorneys that brings about a happy ending to a family emergency.

The human touch is always part of our group legal plan benefits. Plan members in the middle of a domestic crisis do not want to be treated like a case file. Our attorneys are aware of this and every plan member regardless of who he or she is will be treated with courtesy and respect. Countrywide lawyers have reputation for going the distance for plan members. They also have a well-earned image of being responsive to the emotions of a client, and possess the ability to calm troubled waters. These are qualities of a group legal services benefit that mean so much to an individual. Combined with professional legal expertise, the interpersonal communication skills are what help a Countrywide benefits provide so much help. Ordinary people are glad that they have access to Countrywide group legal services. Employers and private insurance exchanges will like the respect what we have to offer the rank and file.

Great Administration

People in need of service have to have it right away, and we design our group legal plan administration so that the benefits are easy to process. We also are able to tailor things to what an employer needs. Our clients have all been very satisfied with our efforts, and their testimonials speak of service provided whenever it was needed.

A family crisis should not be allowed to explode. Employee sensitive companies and private insurance exchanges can offer a benefit of great substance to both employees and clients. Countrywide offers a wide range of group legal services options, and we can provide whatever is requested.

We welcome the opportunity to let decision makers know how we can help their employees. Contact us today!

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