
Watch the Pennies The Dollars Take Care of Themselves

There are consequences for living from paycheck to paycheck. Emergencies arise when a person has no reserves to meet the crisis. Student loan debt can appear, and those monthly payments are required. An individual can get out of trouble if he or she knows what to do.

Young employees lived on Ramen noodles and an allowance during college years. Sizable paychecks are generous and credit cards are easy to get. It does not take too long before that new worker struggles with significant credit card debts and has trouble making the monthly payments.

People want to protect their financial wellness. They will impose tight budgets to do that. Over budgeting, however, can be as bad as no budget at all. The trouble with money will hit older employees just as hard as the younger ones. Folks could use some advice on how to manage their cash flow. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers a financial wellness plan to assist in sorting out economic challenges.

Managing the Cost

Countrywide has a national network of certified counselors who will assist plan members. Our professionals work with everyday financial worries and give our plan members priority status.

A Countrywide counselor will perform a budget analysis for a plan member. The spending habits of a person are reviewed, and problems are noted. The counselor will suggest ways to revise cash flow so that all issues are successfully met. The plan member begins to have better control over personal finances.

Additional Financial Wellness Benefits

We do more than help someone balance the books. Countrywide counselors will help with college loan difficulties, medical bills, and advice about credit cards. Most problems stem from not knowing what to do. Our counselors can enlighten plan members on reorganizing interest payments, loans, and handling serious financial difficulties. If someone wishes to purchase a house, we have a self-study program quite a plan member with real estate. Countrywide will even do an asset inventory, so a person knows his or her full value.

It is no secret how embarrassed people become when talking about their finances. They feel stupid when it comes to the cash. All our plan members are treated with a great deal of respect by Countrywide counselors. We are not trying to preach sermons or give lectures on prudence to anyone. Emotional intelligence is what we expect from all counselors who work with us. The client knows that employees are treated well when they seek the help of a Countrywide counselor.

The Role the Client Will Play

We have several financial wellness benefits that can be part of the employee benefit plan. We want this program designed so that all the workforce can get assistance for their problems. The decision-makers of an organization know best when it comes to their employees’ needs.

Consequently, we ask the organization to tell us what benefit options will be in the financial wellness plan. We explain all our benefits without trying to push one option over another. The selections the client makes will be part of the plan document. We provide excellent administration and superior member services.

Research that has been done recently points out that employees want financial wellness. They appreciate an employer who provides services that can be used to maintain a healthy bank account. Countrywide has a reputation for delivering exceptional help. We work with clients to give our best to anyone covered by one of our plans. We are proud of the response we received from plan members and the clients. We are in the business of giving superior help.

If you have any questions about our benefits, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We welcome any opportunity to explain what we can do for an organization and its hard-working employees. We believe you will be pleasantly surprised at the degree of assistance we offer to everyone.

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