
Winning the Case

A Countrywide Attorney will get the Facts Straight

Small Claims Court can be thought of like a People’s Court. It is where many disputes are settled. These are not major cases, and most settlements are only a few thousand dollars, although some states will allow for more. A comprehensive group legal plan providing the right aid will help a person win the day in court.

The Challenges of Small Claims Court

What are these issues that surface? It could be as simple as a warranty not being honored, the rental lease misunderstood, or property damage problem that isn’t being resolved. Many think that they will be represented by a lawyer in this court and that is not true; Small claims court do not have the usual judicial etiquette. The individual must present the case alone. It can be a scary situation for anyone. It happens too many times that a person will simply forget about the case and let the other party get away with what they have done. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to provide the kind of guidance that gets a person what is owed. We help in many ways.

Evidence can be as small as little pieces of paper. These can turn into a small mound of documents that must be efficiently presented. Countrywide has a network of skilled attorneys to provide pre-paid legal services. These legal professionals will go through what evidence is there, explain the importance of each, and suggest how it is best presented. The advice and coaching are priceless. It often happens that whoever offers the best-organized case is going to win. Countrywide attorneys provide a winning edge in these situations.

Countrywide Provides Additional Services

The court will issue a settlement but does not have the staff to enforce it. The plaintiff has to collect the award, and it is why many defendants are too worried about what the court decides. Countrywide helps. The Countrywide attorney can guide the plan member to all the paperwork necessary to garnish the other side’s wages, put liens on the property, and have other ways of receiving what is owed. As the defendant realizes that a serious effort is being made to collect, this party is more willing to do what is necessary. The collection is helped by the attorney who will write letters and make telephone calls as part of the prepaid legal services. The comprehensive services make a case before Small Claims Court something that is not just winnable, but also guarantees that what is owed will be paid.

Clients Design Their Plans

Help with the court case is important but other pre-paid legal services may be more necessary for the workforce. An organization may decide that help with consumer protection for drafting medical powers of attorney are what their employees truly need. Countrywide believes in choice. The employer gets to decide. The client can look through all the various options we have. This decision-maker will discover that the prepaid legal services of Countrywide are all intended to provide real support. The selection is made will be part of the plan document. Part of any Countrywide group legal plan are excellent pre-paid legal services. We go the extra mile on behalf of our clients and administration is streamlined to provide quick service. Our attention to detail and assistance are reasons why Countrywide is considered one of the best group legal plan vendors in the industry.


A day in court does not have to be a pain in the neck. Countrywide provides the kind of support that individual needs to get a small claims process. It is just one of the benefits we offer within a group legal plan. We encourage decision-makers to contact us and find out more about how we can help their employees.

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