
Helping Loved Ones Cope Do not Make Them Suffer


Employees care about their loved ones. They want them to be happy and financially safe. People will have last wills prepared to assure their family benefits from the estate. There is another type of will that is essential for protecting survivors: the living will, and group legal plans offer this as a benefit option.


Calamity Strikes Hard


Accidents are often unexpected. Heart attack or industrial accident can do more than render a victim helpless. The incident might leave a person comatose. That victim cannot communicate with anyone. It often happens that he or she is placed on a life-support system and remains unresponsive. That is when the real tragedy is played out.


Healthcare providers will work to keep a patient alive. Doctors and nurses must know what to do but can give no instructions from an unconscious patient. That individual can be on life support limbo indefinitely. There is no chance of revival, but the person is kept alive. The family suffers from this.


Loved ones must watch as their relative lies in suspended animation. There is no chance of reviving the patient and no release caused by death. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does not want a family to go through such agony. We offer living wills as a group legal plan benefit.


Lawyers Will Compose a Living Will


Countrywide provides pre-paid legal services through a nationwide network of attorneys. We have one in the community of every client organization. A living will does more than tell when it is time to turn off the life support systems. An individual’s personal beliefs may prohibit the use of specific medical treatments. The living will tells health care providers what medical procedures to avoid.


Another pre-paid legal services benefit we provide is medical powers of attorney documents. A group legal plan member will designate a trusted individual within the papers to make any necessary decisions during an emergency. It takes the weight off the family’s shoulders because the designated person is responsible.


The living will and the medical powers of attorney are intended to leave any anguish brought on by a terrible accident. No one must sit in silence and watch a dear one other between life and death. Instructions are defined carefully and must legally be carried out.


Our attorneys handle these situations with a great deal of finesse and courtesy. Countrywide legal professionals appreciate the concerns of the group legal plan member and the sensitivity of the subject. Our lawyers will carefully explain what should be in the living will and give suggestions about the designation of the right person to make decisions. What is in either document will be up to the group legal plan member; Countrywide will respect those wishes.


Client Support


Countrywide wants to provide benefits that everyone will appreciate and enjoy. We asked the client to help us design the plan. We explain all our benefits carefully and answer any questions the decision-makers might have. The client decides what will be the offered pre-paid legal services, and these will be included in the final document. Countrywide takes responsibility for the streamlined administration and superior member services. We treat all plan members equally, and we provide services professionally.


When you combine the living will and the simple will, you have a comprehensive strategy to protect loved ones from the pain of a death. Countrywide uses highly skilled legal experts to draft both documents. All our services are offered with considerable emotional intelligence and empathy. We do our best to give your employees the absolute best.


If you have any questions about our services, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We offer benefits that can make the new year, 2021, a lot easier for your workforce.

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