
The Review Process is Critical

Legal Paperwork Doesn’t Have to be a Mystery


Legal documents sometimes seem to be an ocean of words. People get very easily confused by the language, but they cannot take any of it for granted. What is in a document or contract can be binding and group legal plans are effective if they allow for review of these papers.

We Will Review the Documents

The nationwide network of Countrywide attorneys can review up to six pages of a contract. That is ordinarily the size of a standard legal document. The review is not just restricted to contracts, however. There are other legal papers that regular citizens encounter all the time. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can help.

Warranties, lease agreements, and loan papers are all documents that can confuse the average person. The Countrywide lawyer provides pre-paid legal services in reviewing the information. He or she can then advise the plan member whether there’s a problem with what they’re about to sign. There is of course more to what Countrywide will provide. Other services of a group legal plan can help. Countrywide will review warranties and, if it is in the group legal plan, provide advice on consumer protection. Countrywide lawyers will also seek clarification by writing letters on behalf of the client and making telephone calls as well. These actions help to prevent an individual making the mistake of signing something that is not in their best interests.

That Extra Value

We will do more than just review papers. Countrywide also can draft simple wills and help with medical powers of attorney. These are all essential to the overall security of many people and their families. Countrywide attorneys are in the community. It is very easy to set up a conference with one of them and go over all the paperwork. If for some reason a question is not asked in the meeting, an individual can call the attorney right away. We permit an unlimited number of telephone calls on a given situation. It is a pre-paid legal services benefit which assists in seeing to it that everyone understands this

The multitude of benefit options Countrywide offers is important for any decision maker to know. We could do more than simply review contracts and help in numerous other areas. We desire to give as much return on any investment as practicable.

Our variety of pre-paid legal services is there for anyone to review. Decision-makers can look at the options and decide which ones are going to be part of their own group legal plan. We are happy to explain our benefits at the same time we do not try to push one benefit over another. We want prospective clients to be free to make the choices they feel are important. We will include these selections in the final plan document, and we will do something else for the client. We stream line our administration for efficiency, and we select our attorneys for their legal and personal skills. Quick service and the sensitive empathy everyone desires are part of what Countrywide will provide.

We Believe in Good Service

Our commitment to good service helps people walk around potential pitfalls in legal documents. It is important to have paperwork reviewed before signing, and a person can feel confident when a Countrywide attorney has reviewed the material first. This scrutiny means that the paperwork is not going to have a detrimental effect. Countrywide works to give solid solutions to everyday problems. We have been providing help to organizations for 30 years, and we know how to satisfy employees need.

All our benefit options merit the review of an organization and the decision-makers. We encourage contact with us, and we will explain how the Countrywide advantage is something that employees will certainly appreciate.

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