
Service Providers Matter! Employees Expect the Best Attention

At the heart of all group legal plans are the attorneys providing service. These are legal experts who ought to be very conversant in the law, both national and local. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services understands the importance of having good attorneys to aid our group legal plan members.

The Lawyers Must Have Extensive Knowledge

A Countrywide attorney must be able to manage several options. That individual must write simple wills, offer advice on consumer protection, give guidance on how to deal with a government agency and other matters as well. The Countrywide attorney is in the community and must be familiar with local statutes and regulations. It is because an individual may need certain kinds of advice.

We mentioned the primary services. There are secondary benefits the Countrywide attorney must provide. Communication is essential. We permit group legal plan members to make as many telephone calls to the attorney on a given situation as they wish. This allows clarity and the ability to ask additional questions.

The words of a lawyer add weight to any argument. The Countrywide attorneys are given the authority to write letters on behalf of plan members. Another pre-paid legal services benefit is our telephone calls made on behalf of our members. This allows Countrywide to help plan members better. It often happens the other parties are persuaded to see reason when they know an attorney is involved. The disputes are settled that much faster.

Our Plan Members Get Personal Attention

We insist on commitment to the plan member. A Countrywide attorney needs to be available for a meeting with any plan member. Countrywide clients are given priority and we do not want them to wait unreasonable amounts of time before getting service.

Additionally, we insist that respect and courtesy be a central quality. Countrywide does not want lectures or sermons from attorneys. We want the very best service for those people who are making use of our pre-paid legal services options. An attorney who is not able to provide high levels of client service should not even try to become part of our network.

One final thought on service. We admit that our attorneys may not have the information a plan member needs, and there are specialized areas of law that require expertise. Countrywide will make referrals in these situations. The attorney will give a discount on fees charged to the referred plan member. We also insist that the same kind of treatment we expect of Countrywide attorneys be provided to the person referred. This person must get courtesy, respect, and priority treatment.

Choice is Critical

There are group legal plan vendors who insist on providing a boilerplate plan document. A client must accept all the benefits options, even if employees will not use them. It does not matter to the vendor and the fees are what is most important for them. Countrywide does not subscribe to this way of treating clients.

We want client organizations to be comfortable with their group legal plan. Accordingly, we permit choice when it comes to selecting the options. A client may decide to have the draft of simple wills but not the consumer protection advice. It doesn’t bother us what the selection may be. We are committed to service and will provide the very best for every client. We are gratified that client organizations stay with us and appreciate all we do for them.

Not all pre-paid legal services plans have the combination of expertise and service as Countrywide. We are a leader in the industry and we are committed to providing only the very best for clients. If you have any questions about the Countrywide plans, please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience. We welcome the opportunity to discuss our benefits with you.

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