
A Referral Might Help Outside Legal Assistance When Necessary

We admit our group legal plans do not cover everything. Our nationwide network of attorneys will assist group legal plan members with everyday legal situations. They do an amazingly effective job, but the law has many niches.

A Specialist May be Necessary

There are many avenues in jurisprudence. Marine, Immigration, Real Estate, and Divorce are only a few areas of law that require specific knowledge. A legal problem could need a specialist to be resolved. It seems logical, but there are plan members who worry about referrals.

The concern is a pocketbook issue. Legal specialists command higher than regular fees because of their expertise. The thought of paying several hundred dollars an hour for legal services is sobering and can cause hesitation. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services strongly believes that a high-quality group legal plan must find a way to help if a legal problem must be solved. We will not hesitate to refer a group legal plan member to an outside attorney if required.

Fee Benefits

We maintain a network of lawyers with whom Countrywide does referral business. These legal professionals are highly skilled and can resolve an issue quickly in return for referring business to them. Countrywide expects some allowances to be made for our group legal plan members.

All participating attorneys must agree to specific fee discounts. A Countrywide plan member receives a twenty-five percent (25%) discount on hourly and scheduled rates. Contingency fee cases such as personal injury will have a ten percent (10%) discount from the standard contingency percentages. These reductions encourage a plan member to take advantage of the specialized service, and there is more.

We Practice Invoice Scrutiny

Costs might be hidden in the details and show up on the final invoice. Countrywide will have none of that! Costs, fees, and charges are never hidden in the legalese. A participating referral attorney must provide a detailed fee schedule for our inspection. Surprises in the final bill are neither appreciated nor tolerated by Countrywide. Those lawyers who participate in our referral program know that transparency is provided, or our relationship with them will end.


We Insist on Empathy

Countrywide values emotional intelligence as a pre-paid legal services benefit.  The lawyers in our referral program are to show the same empathy and respect to our plan members that we want to see from our regular attorneys. All Countrywide plan members will be treated as if they were long-term clients. Respect and courtesy are part of the deal.

Clients are Always Involved.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to design a plan that all employees might use. We do not know the folks working for a prospective client. The decision-makers do, and we seek their input.

Countrywide will discuss all the benefits with a prospective client. We explain the advantages of our services, and we welcome all questions. The client’s executives will select what options their employees need. The chosen services are included in the final plan document. We back up the benefits with a streamlined administration and superior member services. The suitable options, quick service, and empathy are shown to all members to make Countrywide benefits so special.

We have provided pre-paid legal services plans since 1987, and we give service to organizations in the private, public, and non-profit sectors of the economy. There is no distinction in service quality; all clients get the same streamlined administration and member-sensitive attention. We work with the clients to guarantee their hard-working employees get the best legal attention.

If you have any questions about our services, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We welcome all questions and will gladly explain all our benefits. Your employees deserve the best when it comes to services, and we deliver on that demand for high quality.

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