
Communication is a Critical Legal Service

Communication is a Critical Legal Service

It Makes Problems Easier to Solve


Some group legal plans fail at communications. The vendors feel that websites with boilerplate wills and FAQ pages are sufficient. They sense that there’s no reason for personal communication in a high-tech era. Countrywide Pre- Paid Legal Services respectfully disagrees. We believe that communications with a plan member and on behalf of a plan member are extremely important.

You can write a basic will from a web template. However, it cannot take any consideration the personal nuances of an individual’s estate. This is where a group legal plan can fail. The deeds of plan members can be unique and different.

One person may need help attribute a contract and another the language of a deed. A legal professional often must be personally involved. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services supports personal contact in providing services.

Countrywide relies on a nationwide network of attorneys. They are in the community and a plan member can easily touch base with one of them. We go one step further in encouraging the use of telephone contact. One of our pre-paid legal services is the ability of a plan member to make an unlimited number of telephone calls on a given situation to the Countrywide attorney. Relationships are developed that result in a quick resolution of any problem.

Expect a Full-Service Communication

Countrywide gives full service to every group legal plan member. Communication is not just between the attorney and the client and the attorney can communicate on behalf of the client. The Countrywide lawyer is permitted to make telephone calls and write letters on behalf of the individual plan member. The benefit is that such communication will end disputes and clarify situations. A Countrywide lawyer knows the right questions to ask whether in writing or verbally.

The ability to communicate works well in areas of consumer protection. A merchant or company may be reluctant to honor a warranty a person may hold. The Countrywide plan member can have the attorney write a letter reminding the other party of consequences. It can make them see reason.

Service with a Personal Touch

If an attorney sees a problem with a contract after inspecting it, the plan member can direct the attorney to write or contact the other party to try to have the document renegotiated. These are situations where communication allows a Countrywide benefit option to be fully used for the best result.

Communication is affected by behavior. We expect the Countrywide attorney to show empathy, courtesy, and respect for all plan members. This is so important to us that it can screen out prospective attorneys. Anyone who does not show good people skills cannot expect to be part of the Countrywide network. We expect our attorneys to have good bedside manner.
Please Choose the Pre-Paid Legal Services

We ask our clients to decide what options will be in their group legal plan. Decision-makers may wish to have simple wills and help with government agencies, and perhaps some other options that are Countrywide pre-paid legal services benefits. What we will do is provide the service that assures success. We have streamline our administration for quick response and all our attorneys give priority to Countrywide plan members.

We have provided group legal plan services to organizations for over 30 years and Countrywide strives to provide the very best in member services. We are proud to say that our clients are satisfied with what we are doing, and many have commented favorably on how well their employees are treated by Countrywide attorneys.

We are proud of what we do, and we will continue to do our very best to keep our clients and their employees satisfied. Please fee free to contact us about our benefits programs.




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