
A Living Will Is a Practical Resolution

It Makes Medical Care Decisions Easier


Employees will plan their healthcare for the coming year. They will look at the calendar and determine when they will make medical appointments, and when certain procedures will be scheduled. This is often to manage better the deductibles that they must pay. It all makes sense, but there’s one thing that many of these people are forgetting. What is going to happen if something truly drastic occurs?

Tragedy Comes Unexpectedly

Accidents can happen, and chronic seizures strike without warning. These can leave a person in a coma, unable to tell doctors what type of treatment is preferred. Drastic situations may include a person being on life-support with no chance of revival. Hospitals are required to keep a person alive as long as possible. Living wills can help provide guidance, and good group legal plans have them. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services include drafting of a living will in the group legal plan benefit options.

A living will is not complicated and is rarely full of legal nuances. Instead, it is a very straightforward plan of instruction given to family and healthcare providers. It stipulates what the individual wishes to have happened in the event of a medical catastrophe. It is the kind of document that hospitals appreciate seeing. It reduces the liability they must face in treating a, toast patient.

A living will also lift a potential burden of guilt from loved ones. Family members many times are torn about what to do when a person is in a coma. They are afraid to make decisions and drafting a living will is a pre-paid legal services benefit which makes things much easier. The person has indicated what will be done should a disaster occur. Countrywide lawyers are ready to help a group legal plan member compose this very important document.

Living Will Assistance Comes from Professionals

We rely on our nationwide network of attorneys to provide service. These professionals know what ought to be in the document and will advise a plan member on the wording. It is relatively easy to set up an appointment to go over the matter. Countrywide also allows for an unlimited number of telephone calls to the attorney. It allows a plan member to ask additional questions after the meeting has taken place.

A companion piece to the living will is medical powers of attorney. This grants a designated individual the authority to make decisions on medical care, including ending life support systems. Choices must be made, and very difficult decisions must direct what healthcare providers are to do. Countrywide includes medical powers of attorney as an option which decision-makers may want to include in a group legal plan.

Countrywide does not provide a boilerplate, take it or leave it, plan for pre-paid legal services. We understand that decision-makers have a better idea of what employees need. We want the executives to choose those options which will be part of the final group legal plan. We will incorporate those into the program.

You Can Expect High Quality Service

We on our part will guarantee superior service and effective administration. Lawyers who work with Countrywide will place the plan members at the front of the line when it comes to attention. The attorneys also will provide superior communication and personal skills. Every Countrywide plan member is made to feel important and valued. It is how our pre-paid legal services work.

Employees make decisions on renewing their health benefit and deciding how to schedule appointments in the new year. The same attention should be given to drastic situations which may require other people to make choices. The living will spell out precisely what an individual wants to have for medical treatment. Countrywide has other benefits that can be used to handle ordinary circumstances a person may confront. It is the type of support any hard-working person appreciates. We encourage decision-makers to contact us about Countrywide benefits. We want to be able to answer any questions that may arise.

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