
Preparing for the Inevitable Protecting the Family in the Process

Family security should be there long after you are gone. Finances are a significant issue, and immediate access to an estate is essential. That economic priority is why group legal plans offer a chance to have a simple will drafted.

You Can Avoid the Estate Chaos

A simple will is no more than six pages long and having one is a mighty benefit for your loved ones. A will does more than distribute the money and furniture. A will can stipulate who will take care of your small children and the charities that will get a donation from your estate. This will make distribution faster and beneficiary debts like college tuition can be paid right away.

An estate without a will is a chamber of horrors. The estate is placed in the probate court’s hands and that part of the judicial system is painfully slow. All decisions must receive prior approval from the bench. Final distribution might take years. Countrywide pre-paid legal services wants to help people avoid a nightmare. Our group legal plan benefit has a simple will option.

Experts Will Write the Simple Will

Countrywide has a national network of attorneys. They will provide the pre-paid legal services of a Countrywide group legal plan. It is easy to arrange for a meeting with the attorney. Countrywide has one in each community where there is a Countrywide client. Our plan members have priority access.

The simple will ought to designate who will receive what in the distribution. An executor needs to be appointed and the will gives that person explicit instructions. A plan member might get confused by the legal jargon. A Countrywide attorney will eliminate uncertainty.

Countrywide lawyers are experts in giving pre-paid legal services. Our attorneys offer excellent guidance and explain all the details. Emotional intelligence is our unwritten group legal plan benefit. Countrywide attorneys pay close attention to a plan member.

All questions are answered thoroughly. Our plan members are permitted to make as many telephone calls to an attorney as needed in a given situation. That benefit assures clarity.






A Little Extra

Group legal plan members can take advantage of other benefits. Countrywide attorneys can make telephone calls for plan members. Our legal professionals may also write letters on behalf of the person. The services help collect information required to write an airtight simple will.

We have one benefit, especially intended for simple wills. Circumstances change, and beneficiary debts or state developments will happen. We send out annual reminders suggesting the plan member review the will and authorize necessary revisions. This is a Countrywide pre-paid legal services benefit that keeps a will current.

With the Help of a Client

Countrywide hopes that all a client’s workforce can use the benefit. We are not familiar with the demographics and we ask the organization to tell us what options will be beneficial for its employees. We will explain all our benefits and answer any questions that the prospective client has, and we will not insist on one benefit option over another.

It is what the client wants to see in the plan document that will be in the final copy. We provide superior administration and excellent member services to back up all our benefit options. No one must wait for Countrywide’s help.

A trustworthy simple will is part of the financial planning for any employee. Simple wills are an extremely popular benefit and most of our clients have that option. It is one of several that help individuals deal with everyday problems.

If you have any questions about our benefits, please feel free to contact us. We welcome the opportunity to introduce you to Countrywide and the assistance we provide for organizations and their employees.

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