
Help with Public Agencies Overcomes a Language Obstacle

Foreign Workers Are Grateful for the Help


The United States has always been a favorite place for hard-working foreigners. These people come to this country with work visas and perhaps the hope of someday becoming citizens. The opportunity and the wages are both major incentives to come here. A problem surfaces in dealing with the government. People sometimes have difficulty, and pre-paid legal services can help remove obstacles.

Many are fluent in English but only when it comes to speaking it. Our language is complicated and legal/administrative jargon is even more difficult. A foreign worker can have trouble understanding what various application forms want. Also, the deadlines may be something entirely different.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has an option which offers help dealing with public agencies. Our nationwide network of attorneys is part of the group legal plan, and they can offer needed assistance quickly. The Countrywide professional will also examine what information is being asked by the agency. If the plan member does not have what is needed, the attorney will tell what is required. Countrywide will make sure that any submission to a public agency is in proper order without anything left out.

Personal Skills Help

A foreign group legal plan member may be confused about how American public agencies work. This person might also be a little bit embarrassed about not knowing everything. Not all group legal plans are sensitive to a person’s feelings but we are.  Countrywide recruits attorneys based on their personal skills as well as legal expertise. We believe empathy is an important part of the services we provide. Consequently, a Countrywide attorney does not preach a sermon but seeks to provide real help.

This legal professional will answer all questions patiently and encourage the plan member to ask even more. It is possible the plan member may forget a few things. It is easy to call a Countrywide attorney in each situation because we allow unlimited number of telephone calls to the attorney

Communicating for Them with the Public Agencies

Communication with the public agency might be difficult, and Countrywide is here to help. Our attorneys will write letters on behalf of a group legal plan member and will also make telephone calls to the necessary bureaucrat. It helps makes the entire process so much easier. Employers value their foreign employees, and the best organizations try to help these new people in addition to other employees. Countrywide has a variety of group legal plan options.

We give pre-paid legal services in areas such as drafting a will, helping with warranty problems, and providing expert advice. We address difficulties that affect people in everyday life. We do not know the demographics of the client’s workforce, and we allow that organization to pick what options they want. Countrywide provides the service and administration streamlined to offer rapid response to a need. Combining choice with great service makes for a perfect benefit. We are a leader among group legal plans because of our service and the choice option.

Employees appreciate good benefits and foreign employees working in this country are glad to have pre-paid legal services. Public agencies are not the mystery they ordinarily would be, and the individual gets the help he or she needs. The anxiety of dealing with a strange bureaucracy and its requirements goes away because Countrywide is there to give the best advice and help. Language is no longer an obstacle to receiving service

All available options are available for inspection by decision-makers. We encourage prospective clients to contact us and inquire as to what each benefit does. We look forward to speaking with you and hope that we have a chance to answer your questions. We feel that you will be impressed with what you discover about Countrywide.

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