
Avoiding Problems with a Simple Will – The Probate Issues Will Fade

Estates can be orderly or chaotic; the individual determines the state of affairs. A simple will can make life easier for everyone. Too many people keep putting off drafting a will until the future. Kicking the can down the street has consequences that are rough for beneficiaries. Group legal plans promote simple wills as a pre-paid legal services benefit, and plan members should not ignore this chore.


The Probate Hassle


The mission of the probate court is to assure the distribution of the estate to the rightful beneficiaries. Dying intestate, without a will, makes matters difficult as the state tumbles into probate bureaucracy. Probate court can be a spider’s web of regulations and procedures. The court appoints an administrator to supervise the estate’s distribution. That person reports directly to the court. Seeking court approval for various actions will slow down the process. It can take months before the estate is formally closed.


Family Feuds


A simple will makes life easier for beneficiaries. A well-written document points out who gets what, and the executor distributes assets according to the wishes of the deceased. No will means there is no guidance, and that will cause a family problem. Competing claims over money, real estate, or even furniture will complicate an estate’s distribution.


This legal document ends a lot of troubles before they even start. A good attorney can do all the needed work and the process isn’t difficult. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers a simple will drafting as a Group Legal Plan benefit.


Preparing an Airtight Simple Will


Countrywide doesn’t use online templates. We have a nationwide network of attorneys perform our pre-paid legal services. These professionals are familiar with state laws governing probate and will prepare a simple airtight will.


Six pages are enough for most people. Our lawyers practice in the community and give priority to Countrywide group legal plan members. A meeting is easy to schedule. A plan member does not have to worry about how he or she is treated. We expect our attorneys to show high levels of emotional intelligence and to treat every plan member with courtesy and respect. Patience is not a virtue to us; it is a job requirement.


A Gentle Reminder

Seasons change, and so do the beneficiaries of any will. Countrywide sends reminders to plan members about updating their will and, if necessary, the executor reminder keeps a will updated and prevents problems from surfacing because of change.

The Client is a Partner


Countrywide has several pre-paid legal services and these deal with common legal problems. Although we have provided Group Legal Plan benefits since 1987, not all our options are suited for the needs of a client’s workforce. Countrywide wants all employees to use a benefits plan. We asked the clients to tell us what options will be in their unique plan. Countrywide puts these choices in the final plan document. We will provide the same high-quality member services regardless of the choices. No one must wait too long for help from a Countrywide lawyer.


A simple will prevents problems and does something else that is very important. It gives a plan member peace of mind. That person knows the estate will be managed according to his or her final wishes. The reminders that we send out will help keep the document up-to-date, and that is reassuring to all beneficiaries. A simple will prevents many estate disputes and allows the process to move efficiently. This is the most commonly used pre-paid is legal services benefit.


If you have any questions about the Countrywide Group Legal Plan benefits, we will welcome the opportunity to answer them. We believe we have something that your employees are going to appreciate. All items are important to us, and we will give you as much detail as we can. Please feel free to contact us at your convenience.

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