
Good Communications is an Excellent Benefit

Countrywide Excels at It!


There are group legal plans which do not understand communication. The vendors provide service at a distance, or through a page on a website. This may look efficient, but it is not. Communication is more important than this.

Quality Matters

A little extra should be part of the services. Anyone can easily forget a question or two, and getting back to the attorney is important. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services allows an unlimited number of telephone calls to the attorney in each situation. It means additional questions can be asked at another time. This ability to further communicate with the lawyer at no cost helps.

The quality of the communication is critical. An insensitive, neutral tone is not what we expect our attorneys to provide. These individuals are very proficient in the law but need to convey that to a group legal plan member. That individual may have no understanding at all about legal business.

The Countrywide attorney is as much a teacher as a barrister. Legal terminology and situations are explained carefully to a plan member, and questions are actively encouraged. Empathy is the key emotion. Everything is done to make a group legal plan member feel comfortable in any conference or telephone call with the attorney.

Other Communication.

We believe that communication can resolve many legal problems. Countrywide knows that the other side of any dispute may be a bit stubborn and not willing to cooperate. Persuasion may be necessary, and a Countrywide lawyer is empowered to provide that as one of the pre-paid legal services

The lawyer can reach out to the other party or to any public agency. It can include telephone calls and letters written on legal stationery to the other side. These are not threats but attempts to speak reason to someone else. Many times, it is the letter or telephone call to the Countrywide attorney that brings a swift resolution to a dispute.

A Countrywide group legal plan is intended to help employees with everyday legal problems. We have a number of options such as drafting wills or assistance with public agencies. Not all pre-paid legal services benefits are what an organization’s workforce needs. We allow clients to choose the options that will be part of their own specific plan. It means employees are more likely to use the benefits and that guarantees a significant return on investment. We want to point out that the communication benefits mentioned above are an integral part of any plan. They are in addition to the options and organization decides to have. By stressing communication, we add significant quality to our already superior customer service. It is how group legal plans work when they are provided by Countrywide.

Courtesy, Respect, and Immediate Service

The legal world is a mystery to many people. It can be very frightening as well. The best way to overcome any anxiety is to have an attorney who has superior communication skills. Countrywide only deals with lawyers who have a personal touch as well as a strong legal mind. We value all our clients and their employees. Each one is treated with a great deal of respect and courtesy. We also expect our lawyers to give priority to the Countrywide plan member. Employers will know that their workers get the best service right away.

We think we have the benefits employees need. We invite any decision-maker to contact us and find out more about Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services. We wish to establish communication with you to allow you to greater explore what we offer. Please do feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience. We believe you will like what you hear of what we have, and we encourage you to ask questions.

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