
Providing Excellent Service

                                                                                                             It is A Critical Part of Any Benefits Plan


A group legal plan will naturally have several benefit options. Activities such as drafting a will or helping with a consumer protection problem can be expected. What separates the good from the bad is the level of service provided. A vendor may claim a plan has all kinds of options, but the question of service is a high priority and needs addressing.

A Live Person is Essential

Providing a frequently asked questions page on the website or an inquiry box is not sufficient. Anyone who needs pre-paid legal services is under a fair amount of stress. Typing in a question may not provide the kind of answers needed. People enjoyed talking to a live person, whether it is on the telephone or face-to-face. An effective plan is going to make it easy to have that close one on one contact. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides for that as well as other services.

Giving That Extra Touch

Countrywide is proud of the services we provide to our clients. The attorneys who work with Countrywide are all professionals who understand the law thoroughly. We make a point of providing exceptional individual service. Our attorneys are chosen for their expertise and their people skills. We know how essential it is to have face-to-face consultations and we allow for that. Also, a group legal plan member is authorized to have as many telephone calls on a given situation as necessary. This extra touch allows for all kinds of questions to be answered, and confusion laid to rest. The plan member feels more comfortable with the overall service.

Dealing with somebody at a great distance is a problem. While the service provider may be a real professional, he or she may not understand the local environment. The Countrywide network of attorneys makes it easy to get in touch with a lawyer nearby. Knowing the area and local issues mean the attorney provides even more efficient service to plan member.


To clients should be aware that Countrywide encourages choice. We have several options that could be a part of the group legal plan, and we want the final document to represent the best possible service for employees. The client can choose what benefits will be part of the plan. While we will provide suggestions, at the close of day the final document is precisely what the client would like to see. It means that the Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services plan approved will be one used by as many employees as possible.

That last point is critical. Nobody wants to invest time or effort in pre-paid legal services nobody will use. The options that we have will address everyday issues. Countrywide believes that plan members need to have their problems handled quickly. Our administration is deliberately streamlined to get the process moving that much faster. Nobody is going to be waiting for lengthy periods for the help required. Our attorneys know that the Countrywide group legal plan member is to be given top priority. This is part of the overall exceptional quality of our benefit plans. We provide the right kind of help with the very best customer service, and a commitment to address the problems as soon as practicable.

High-quality benefits speak well of an employer. It shows the workforce the management is taking an interest in personal needs, and responding to them. It helps develop a good rapport between employee and employer. Countrywide has worked with organizations since 1987 to provide legal support. We are proud of our record and of all the service we have provided over the years. It is possible that you may have some questions about our benefit options and we welcome the chance to discuss them. Please take a moment at your earliest convenience to contact us so that we can examine the benefits with you in greater

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