A Mistake Your Family May Regret

Forgetting to Draft a Will Hurts the Survivors

The holiday season has a way of making the bucket list grow even longer. People have last-minute shopping to do, look for a way to use up what’s left of their vacation days, and close the books for the year. The days can be hectic. There is something that should not wait until it is a New Year’s resolution. The last will and testament of an individual is an extremely important document. It is a benefit that a group legal plan has which any plan member will find to be extremely important.

Intestate Is a Probate Dirty Word

People put off writing a will because of the mortality involved. It is an admission of death that some people try to avoid. That does not help the survivors one bit. Dying without a will, known as intestate, creates a very ugly situation. A person wants his or her immediate family to have the final estate. Dying without a will means that a distant cousin can easily lay a claim to the assets. Not having a will also means that the court steps in and appoints an administrator. Keep in mind that person must report to the judge any activity. That responsibility will slow things down as far as the final distributions. An excellent group legal plan benefit is drafting a will. That is something that a professional can help prepare.

Online Services Don’t Care

Some people try to cut corners and save a little money. There are online services that will draft a will for a person. They can write a document and they can get it all wrong at the same time. A person’s estate may have special requirements not covered by the online template. That leaves the will less than the best. A group legal plan will allow for an attorney to work on that final worldly document. Provisions such as allowances for funeral expenses, special instructions regarding surviving children, and other very important matters for survivors can be covered. This is much better than simply inputting words onto a website. A good group legal services benefit has a reminder service. Let’s face it; things change and often unexpectedly. The beneficiary may die and unless the will has been changed to reflect that, survivors may have to prove the beneficiary is dead before any other distribution is made.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers group legal services assistance with drafting the last will. A group legal plan we design can provide for a seasoned legal professional to prepare the document. Unlike online services, the attorney can answer any questions and give some guidance on what to do. We believe in a one-to-one relationship. That is why unlimited telephone calls regarding the will are possible. A group plan member can also have a face-to-face consultation with the attorney if necessary. One final thing that we do regarding wills is an annual reminder to update the will is sent. All of this spares survivors an additional load of grief when a Countrywide plan member passes away.

No One Has To Wait

Drafting a will should not be like writing the Great American Novel. This is something that needs to be done with all deliberate speed. Our administration of group legal services is streamlined to help. That final will and testament can be drafted, approved, and filed with the court in very little time. There is no body of paperwork that has to be prepared before receiving legal service. Countrywide does everything possible to get service rendered as soon as possible. It is a quality that all of our clients deeply appreciate.

Drafting a will gives peace of mind to an employee. This person now knows that final wishes will be respected, and that survivors including children will be cared for. Drafting a will is one of the group legal services so many people really want to have. We welcome the opportunity to explain that service and all of our other benefit options that can provide real value.

Please do feel free to contact us with as many questions as you would like to ask.