Benefitting Remote Workers The Help is Appreciated

stockfresh_7709431_stressful-bristle-man-with-headache-using-laptop-computer_sizeM-300x200COVID-19 is a fantastic teacher. Management has learned so much from the pandemic experience and discovered ways to make employees more productive. One discovery is that remote working does improve the figures. People enjoy working from home and there have been performance increases. Nevertheless, there are some challenges regarding remote working that need attention.


One Is the Loneliest Number


It is the title of the hit song from the 60s and it is relevant today in the world of remote working. Employees must adjust to technology and how to manage their time. Management helps, but more needs to be done for someone who is working alone.


There was an informal communication system in the office. People found out how to get things done and how to cope with outside emergencies. This friendly voice is art there anymore. A remote worker can be stressed out and an organization needs to help these people with various challenges. Financial wellness is one way. It is more than answering questions about payroll for benefits. Employees, at a distance, are concerned about any financial matters such as college debt, managing their credit cards, and dealing with medical bills. Employers can provide great assistance by offering professional support. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a financial wellness benefit that is a powerful stress reducer.


Coming to the Rescue


The type of help Countrywide will provide depends on the employee’s circumstances. Some of those high-tech associates, whose input is critical to success, might be overwhelmed by their college debt. Other employees may be staring at credit card bills that are getting out of control.


Countrywide relies on a national network of certified counselors to provide the benefit. These are skilled professionals who deal with common financial problems ordinary people face. They offer the kind of suggestions and guidance that any person can use.


An older employee may have trouble with medical deductibles and the rising costs of medical treatments. Our counselors can make suggestions on how to manage medical debt and keep things under control. Those who are in severe financial stress might need the services of our Debt Management Plan. We admit that it costs a little bit extra, but this is the kind of service that gives additional counseling and other types of assistance that are desperately needed. We also can help somebody who is trying to deal with bankruptcy.


It is not all doom and gloom. There are some financial wellness benefits. Countrywide provides that help those trying to save money or even buy a house. We have a self-study course that teaches the new homebuyer how to handle real estate. If an individual wants to control their money, the Countrywide counselor will perform a budget analysis to help.


Empathy and Emotional Intelligence


Experts in management science are commenting on the need for emotional intelligence, especially with remote workers. Countrywide cannot agree more. We believe that emotional intelligence is a critical service given to any financial wellness plan member.


Client organizations can expect that Countrywide counselors listen and do not sermonize. They provide answers to problems and our counselors listen patiently to anyone. Our administrative service is deliberately streamlined to help people get assistance quickly. Remote workers do not have to worry if they are being ignored. They will not be, if they are part of financial wellness plan sponsored by Countrywide.


We ask client organizations to tell us what benefit options we offer will be part of their financial wellness plan. Those choices are part of the final plan document. We explain every option and answer all questions about the Countrywide program. We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.


Please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Countrywide is ready to explain its benefits and show how your remote workers will receive quality assistance. We offer the kind of help all your employees will appreciate.