Know Your Warranty and Consumer Protection.

You Don’t Have to Accept Faulty Merchandisestockfresh_3665498_cost-and-value_sizeS-300x200


Your child gets a brand-new toy for Christmas while you get an innovative appliance or perhaps a very interesting computer gaming. It’s all a part of the excitement of Christmas to get something new, and Christmas presents are used quite a bit in the following days. It is when trouble may begin. For no apparent reason, that new gizmo breaks down. You get frustrated and try to find a way to fix things. The present may have a warranty attached to it, and a group legal plan could help you make things right.

They are Guarantees of Repair Service

Warranties are agreements in which a manufacturer guarantees repair work if something breaks down. However, the language of the warranty can be very confusing. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a nationwide network of attorneys. One of our fundamental benefit options is help with warranties. Our lawyers know the language and can point out what the manufacturer will and will not do as defined in the warranty.

Most companies honor their warranties because it is good business. Some don’t. These will disrespect the consumer and pretend that the language of the document means something entirely different. A Countrywide lawyer can see through the nonsense and point out what the terms mean. If a company continues to disregard the warranty, the Countrywide group legal plan offers secondary support that is highly effective.

Warranty and Consumer Protection Often Go Together

Communication is a way of solving legal problems and group legal plans do not always provide appropriate backup. Countrywide aids in communication that can change minds. For example, a Countrywide lawyer can make telephone calls on behalf of the plan member as part of the pre-paid legal services. The lawyer can also send correspondence on letterhead stationery. Either can convince a company to honor its warranty quickly. If not, Countrywide offers still other means.

Consumer protection agencies exist to guard people against faulty products or unethical practices. Many folks don’t bother with consumer complaints because they think the process is too complicated. Countrywide lawyers assist in filing consumer protection complaints. It is a very efficient weapon to use against a negligent company. A properly registered consumer complaint is a black mark against a brand, and manufacturers, in particular, don’t want that. The plan member’s problem can be resolved, thanks to Countrywide.



Employers are Encouraged to Choose

Employers care about their hard-working staff. It is important to have employees focused on projects, and it means helping them deal with daily problems outside of work. That is the key point of Countrywide’s, pre-paid legal services. We want to help people in their daily lives. Our benefits are designed to do that.

We respect the notion employers know more about their workers than we do. It is why we permit a choice in the design of a Countrywide benefit. An organization may decide to have consumer protection and warranty help, or perhaps prefer just simple wills or medical powers of attorney. We have been working with organizations for 30 years, and we know how diverse employers can be. What we provide are both the benefits and the services.

Countrywide group legal plan members are at the front of the line with all our attorneys. We expect that none of these people must wait for their pre-paid legal services. Additionally, we make certain that administration is responsive. No one must wait for our help and it is easy to get a hold of a Countrywide lawyer.

The Christmas holiday season should be one of joy and giving. There is no need for any stress brought on by defective products or poor services. Countrywide wants to make the holidays as happy as possible with services that can help. Decision-makers may have some questions about our group legal plan product and we encourage inquiry. Please do feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience