Legal Documents Must Be Clarified – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Removes the Mystery


Legal documents can be a mystery. The text is very precise, and the words are not commonly used. Agreements and obligations are hidden in plain sight and the average consumer is unaware of that. The confusion or uncertainty may compel an individual to stay away from what could be a beneficial agreement. Group legal plans ought to have pre-paid legal services to help folks better understand legal documents.

What to Look for in Legal Papers

Every legal document has its own features which may be slightly different from another. It helps to have an expert review the paperwork. Contracts have agreement clauses that can include what each party must do and the consequences for noncompliance. This is especially true with rental leases which are a form of contract. Warranties might only cover specific services or the use of only certain parts. Individuals may receive letters that serve formal notice of various actions. The intent might not be clear to the average person.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to assist people in understanding legal documents. We believe this should be more than just an information page on the website. Our group legal plan benefit provides the services of a national network of attorneys. These people can review legal documents for a plan member.

Comprehensive Support and Assistance in Legal Document Reviews

We have a six-page limit on the size of the document. That is enough for most plan members. Our attorneys are skilled in the law and recognize the nuances of contracts. They can advise about legal content and what a person must do to be compliant or receive expected services.

A Countrywide group legal plan member can expect more from us. Our attorneys will schedule face-to-face meetings where the individual can ask questions. A plan member can always call in more inquiries because Countrywide permits an unlimited number of telephone calls on a given subject.

Countrywide does more than review legal documents: we create them. Countrywide lawyers will prepare simple wills, living wills and medical powers of attorney. We can help with warranty disputes and advise on what to do when working with public agencies. The pre-paid legal services we perform depends on what is in the plan document. That content is what the client expressly wants.

Employers Tell Us

We admit we do not know what the client’s employees want or need. We ask decision-makers to tell us what should be in their group legal plan. Those pre-paid legal services the client considers important will be in the final plan. We support those services with a streamlined administration. Countrywide goes a step further by providing something else.

Legal documents mystify and terrify people. An individual can get very anxious because he or she cannot understand the content. The questions may appear insignificant, but they are very important to the plan member. The answers can determine whether a decision is made on a given situation.

Our lawyers provide the gift of empathy to all the people who get service from Countrywide. We value emotional intelligence and we want to see it from everyone who works with us. A client should know that their employees are treated with respect and no question is considered minor. Countrywide attorneys listen patiently to any questions. They look at the legal documents and provide answers that are easy to understand and explain the language at the same time.

We take considerable pride in the clarity we bring to all legal documents. The anxiety that many suffer when facing a contract or lease disappears with the arrival of a Countrywide lawyer. Our clients have told us of the appreciation employees have for the help and for the way they are treated. We are committed to providing the very best service for all our plan members.

If you have any questions about the Countrywide group legal plan benefits, please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience. We have some other options you may want to consider, and we are willing to answer any questions you have. We look forward to speaking with you.