stockfresh_548333_people-standing-around-of-money-isolated-3d-image_sizeS-300x225It is easy for young employees to underestimate the value of their possessions. They might not think they have much or even perceive the importance of certain items. Yet, as we grow older and build assets, keeping track of what we own becomes crucial. A personal asset inventory helps. It is sometimes overlooked, but there are benefits to having that inventory.

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stockfresh_3962479_identity-theft-revealed-in-computer-code-through-a-magnifying-gl_sizeS-273x300Identity theft has become a major concern for individuals and businesses alike. According to a recent report by the Federal Trade Commission, identity theft was the second most reported complaint in 2019. The American Association of Retired People estimates that  42 million Americans were identity theft victims in 2021. In today’s digital age, sensitive information is more vulnerable than ever, and as HR professionals, it is important to consider implementing employee benefits that address this growing issue. One such benefit is identity theft protection, and there are reasons why it is so essential.

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Boosting Employee Productivity

In today’s competitive business environment, maximizing employee productivity is crucial for the success of any organization. As a human resources professional, you understand that employee benefits are an essential part of motivating and engaging your workforce. Recent research conducted by The Bersin Group has revealed that companies with comprehensive service benefits experience a significant boost in productivity.  In fact, these organizations witness a remarkable 14% increase in productivity compared to their counterparts. Additionally, the study also found productivity is accompanied by a notable 43% improvement in quality.

While standard benefits such as group health insurance are essential, a comprehensive employee benefits package can offer even more value. One such valuable benefit that can significantly impact employee productivity is pre-paid legal services. In this blog post, we’ll explore five hidden benefits of pre-paid legal services and group legal plans that can help increase productivity in the workplace.

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stockfresh_2261463_business-people-team_sizeS_5562cb-300x137As an employee benefits broker, it is essential to continuously seek innovative ways to distinguish your services and attract new clients. One powerful approach to achieving this differentiation is by offering pre-paid legal services as an exceptional employee benefit, which can contribute to creating a comprehensive and highly appealing benefits program for your clients.

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stockfresh_1104622_falling-credit-cards_sizeS-300x200Credit card debt consolidation can be an excellent way for people to get a handle on their finances. It allows individuals to pay off all their credit card debt with one loan or line of credit, making managing payments much more straightforward. However, there is more to this than meets the eye. It is crucial to understand both the pros and cons before deciding to consolidate your credit card balances.

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stockfresh_1627257_estate-planning-word-cloud-concept_sizeS-300x300The distribution of an estate is determined by the terms outlined in the will of an individual as that person passes away. Well-drafted wills provide certainty to those left behind, ensuring that assets and possessions are divided according to the deceased’s wishes.

So, how exactly does a simple will distribute assets? When a person drafts a will, they specify which beneficiaries will receive specific assets or portions of their estate beneficiaries can include family members, charities, friends, or other organizations. How these assets are distributed depends on the language of the will and how the document is structured. Generally speaking, wills are revocable or irrevocable.

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stockfresh_4971788_student-loan-debt-installment-payment-check-money-paid-back_sizeS-300x300We all knew this was coming, and now it is here. Student loan payments are going to commence in a couple of weeks. That can be an issue for many people because they’ve grown accustomed to not paying those obligations and have altered their spending habits accordingly. A ray of hope for the college graduate is that there is still time to make some adjustments to personal budgets to once again meet the requirement of repayment. Some things can be done immediately.

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stockfresh_4689066_the-perfect-group-of-business-people_sizeM-300x221As the world becomes increasingly digital, employers must adapt quickly to changes to remain competitive. An excellent way for companies to attract new employees is to provide them with pre-paid legal services. Such benefits help provide solutions to common legal challenges that anyone can face. Here are four reasons why employees want this type of benefit.

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stockfresh_8439488_keyboard-with-blue-keypad-consumer-protection-3d-illustration_sizeS-300x200Consumer protection laws are designed to protect consumers from unfair or deceptive practices. Unfortunately, filing a consumer complaint is only sometimes straightforward, and people make several common errors when navigating this process. We will share four of the most common challenges the consumer deals with.

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stockfresh_2753643_medical-and-gavel_sizeS-300x300Financial wellness is an integral part of living a healthy life. However, it can be challenging when a person faces the cost of out-of-pocket medical expenses. Scheduling medical procedures to limit those out-of-pocket costs can be a great way to ensure financial security and still receive the care needed for optimal health and well-being. There are ways to schedule medical procedures to minimize the expenses a person must pay. Continue reading