Financial Wellness Planning for Your Beneficiaries Have a Simple Will Drafted


Employees are concerned about financial wellness. They budget for loan payments, medical bills, and contribute to a 401(k) retirement plan. These are all financially prudent behaviors, but there is more to fiscal responsibility. Those concerned about personal financial wellness might forget about their dependents.

Estate Realities

An inheritance is not always the path to a pampered life. An estate can pay large bills and help a son or daughter pay for college. People forget about drafting wills and die intestate without a will. This could jeopardize the financial health of survivors. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services helps employees plan for the financial wellness of family members with a simple will plan option. Employees usually don’t require a lengthy document; six pages will suffice. A Countrywide group legal plan attorney can draft a simple will. It is not complicated, but there is power in the paragraphs.

Delays are the greatest challenges to an estate. Probate court takes its time moves at a slow, judicious speed. Things will go even slower when there is no will.

Countrywide Drafts Effective Simple Wills

A Countrywide group legal plan member has an advantage. The lawyer can draft the document to expedite the state distribution. An executor is named, making it easier to move the process through probate court. The plan member gets a final will, registered with the court, and can even take advantage of another pre-paid legal services benefit offered by Countrywide.

There are group legal plans that will only prepare legal papers. Countrywide does more. Time and circumstances can change things, and the will may require adding new beneficiaries or dropping old beneficiaries. We send annual reminders for plan members to revise their existing will. Our lawyers will make revisions as one of our pre-paid legal services.

Countrywide Benefits Are Significant

We provide additional benefits. It is easy to schedule a meeting with a group legal plan lawyer. Countrywide will permit a lawyer to write correspondence and make telephone calls for the plan member. Our benefits can interact with each other to provide the best for plan members. If, by chance, drafting a will may require interaction with a public agency it is not a problem. We have a benefit that permits the lawyer to advise on how best to work with a bureaucrat. The value of a Countrywide benefit is substantial.

Those meetings are easy to set up because of our nationwide network of attorneys. There is a Countrywide lawyer in the neighborhood who is ready to assist. A plan member may have some additional questions after the meeting is over and that is fine with us. A Countrywide lawyer can answer as many questions as necessary on a given topic. It helps making drafting a will more sensible to the individual and it also reduces anxiety.

Choice Is An Employier Benefit

Countrywide works with organizations of all types and sizes. The workforce is unique to the organization and we want our benefits to be used by all employees. Therefore, we allow our clients to choose what pre-paid legal services options will be part of their plan. We will provide the type of service every employer wants for their employees. Countrywide attorneys have a reputation for good people skills and we have a streamlined administration process. No one is required to wait an unusual amount of time. The Countywide lawyer understands our plan members must receive priority consideration.

Countrywide combines excellent content and superior service to create an outstanding employee benefit. Drafting wills is the most popular option, but our additional offerings make a Countrywide group legal plan attractive. We suggest you contact us at your earliest convenience to find out more about what we can provide.