
stockfresh_260360_read-the-fine-print_sizeS-200x300As an employer, you are responsible for the welfare of your employees, including foreign workers and those who hold work visas. These employees are more vulnerable to legal misunderstandings, which can lead to potential legal issues affecting both the employer and the employee. That is why pre-paid legal services and group legal plans, which include legal document review services, are essential. Legal document review for foreign employees is critical, and the pre-paid legal services of a group legal plan can benefit your company.

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slider_voluntary_benefits-300x126Congratulations on your new job! We understand this is a significant milestone in your life and presents new opportunities. For many, this means increased income and better benefits, including health insurance, retirement contributions, and paid time off. However, with increased benefits comes greater responsibility, and one crucial responsibility is managing your finances. This is where financial wellness comes into play.

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stockfresh_1369833_legal_sizeS-300x199As an employer, you understand the importance of providing comprehensive benefits to your employees. From healthcare to retirement plans, these benefits are designed to attract and retain the best talent. However, have you considered offering a group legal plan? Pre-paid legal services are often misunderstood as being only for courtroom drama. However, they offer essential legal assistance for employees, resolving disputes and ensuring the proper filing of critical legal documents. Here are four reasons why this type of service could be a valuable addition to your benefits package.

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stockfresh_3279849_costs-benefits_sizeS_e3a3fc-300x200As an employee benefits broker, you know how important it is to educate your clients about the benefits they can offer their employees. One of the most important benefits you can recommend is financial wellness. Middle-aged employees, especially, can benefit from such a benefit. They can use a financial wellness benefit, and this service can help both the employee and the employer.

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stockfresh_479551_house-in-hand_sizeS-300x200Buying your first house is one of the most exciting yet daunting experiences in your adult life. As a beginner, starting this process can be overwhelming, especially if you are unsure about how to assess your financial situation to afford homeownership. That’s why it’s essential to have access to a financial wellness benefit to help you get through the process. A certified financial wellness counselor is a good ally to have when you face challenges on your homeownership journey.

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vacation-rental-home-warranty-300x300-300x300The holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year for shopping. Retailers take advantage of the holiday frenzy by offering sales and deals too good to resist. One of the everyday purchases made during the holiday season is product warranties. While these warranties are meant to give consumers peace of mind, there are risks involved in buying them. Essential features of a warranty are often overlooked, and it is crucial to review warranties with an attorney before purchasing them.

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stockfresh_2261463_business-people-team_sizeS_5562cb-300x137Mid-career employees have a lot on their plates. Whether it is navigating complex office politics or balancing work and family life, there are many challenges that can arise in both a personal and professional life. One way to alleviate some of this stress is to invest in pre-paid legal services. These services can provide a wide range of benefits, including access to legal advice and other resources that can help a valuable employee navigate challenging situations. There are reasons why those services are so crucial for mid-career employees.

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stockfresh_3024978_girl-before-credit_sizeS-300x225New college graduates bring energy and enthusiasm to the workplace. They are starting to climb the ladder and enter the real world. Financial independence and financial responsibility must come with the diploma. As tempting as credit cards may be, they do not guarantee an easy life, especially for those who do not know how to use them wisely. A financial wellness plan can help eliminate any bad habits that form.

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stockfresh_4340608_doctor-with-patient-looking-at-x-ray_sizeS-300x201As we go through life, we cannot predict every twist and turn that we may face. One of the unexpected events that can happen to anyone is a family medical emergency. Whether it is an accident, a severe illness, or a chronic health condition, such events can take a toll on both the patient and their family, emotionally as well as financially. Research by AccessOne discovered that 53% of families with children are afraid they might not be able to pay medical expenses. Mid-career employees most likely have families that depend on them, including children, aging parents, or siblings. Family medical emergencies can be unexpected and overwhelming, specifically those major medical bills that involve children. There are ways to manage such situations.

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stockfresh_3046191_no-to-fraud_sizeS-300x300A comprehensive employee benefits program is something everyone appreciates. It reduces employee anxiety and promotes greater productivity. However, one benefit that is often overlooked is ID theft and credit monitoring. With the increasing number of identity theft cases, it is crucial to provide employees with an effective ID theft and credit monitoring program. A critical option in this type of benefit is change of address monitoring and alerts. That may look insignificant, but it is not.

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