The Rescue Plan

ID theft monitoring protects personal information

Consumer reliance on web-based transactions created the risk of hackers working long hours to develop ways of breaking through firewalls of security. When a breach occurs a person’s identity, including financial information, is compromised. It can be a horrible shock to anyone when notification arrives of a major unauthorized purchase, or transactions being made on a bogus credit card. Identity theft can tear a person away from responsibilities as he or she tries to regain financial integrity. This often frantic effort generates days away from work and an employee totally preoccupied with the personal danger. Productivity suffers.

Having an Effective Solution

Human resources is the conscience of any organization. Professionals in this department understand how devastating identity theft can be, and how it makes a hard-working employee feel assaulted and vulnerable. It is important to have an employee paid benefit plan that will help people recover from personal catastrophes such as personal information being compromised.

An employee paid benefit that Countrywide offers which human resources may want to consider is ID theft/credit monitoring. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers voluntary benefit plans that include safeguards against identity theft. An employer can choose between the Platinum ID Protector Plan and the Premier ID Protector Plan to help employees protect themselves from identity thieves. These permit credit monitoring and have reports coming from ExperianTM, EquifaxTM, and TransUnionTM. A plan member will learn almost immediately of an invasion of identity privacy and can take steps to end any pilfering. Either employee paid benefit option has $25,000 worth of identity theft insurance included, which can help a person restore credit integrity.

The value of speedy notification is substantial. Hackers do the most damage in a matter of a few days. An employee may not know personal information was compromised until long after an unauthorized purchase has been made, and the thief has moved on. The credit reports allow an individual to move quickly. Human resources will appreciate that quick notice prevents the problem from getting worse, and time spent on the solution is considerably shorter. Human resources also knows that having such an employee paid benefit in place stops panic attacks from happening. Identity theft is serious, but with a voluntary benefit plan that addresses this problem an employee has a plan of action. Less time spent on a personal matter during working hours is the result.

Response with Empathy

Countrywide prides itself on superior customer service. That is expected of anyone providing a Countrywide service and our staff has top quality interpersonal skills. Countrywide voluntary benefit plans are designed to be very easy to administer. Without any complicated forms to complete, the service provided to a plan member is made that much quicker. That will, of course, relieve the stress anyone has when faced with identity theft.

Employees work best in an atmosphere where they feel they are safe and their personal data is protected. A voluntary benefit that can rescue them from an identity theft disaster is deeply appreciated. It lets employees know their employer truly cares, and makes these people want to be even more dedicated workers.

Countrywide has been in the business of offering voluntary benefit plans since 1987 to all kinds of organizations. We have a number of other benefit options an employer may want to consider. All of these can address issues and emergencies that arise unexpectedly and distress an employee. Countrywide appreciates that no one size fits all, and any benefit plan we design has the flexibility to fill the needs of an organization’s workforce. We have always worked well with human resources and those professionals have given testimonials to our professionalism and confidence. We encourage any organization that wants to help its employees protect their identity to call us about our services.

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