A legal plan lawyer can help

An overwhelming number of cases that get litigated in the United States go through the doors of small claims. The reason is that most cases, despite what television suggests, are not major felonies or require jury trials. The majority are disputes and claims of damage one party did to another. While states such as Tennessee have a limit of as much is $25,000, most small claims courts set a limit of no more than $5000 in damages. They can be collected yet getting this small bit of justice is not always easy. A group legal plan can definitely be of assistance

The Process Is a Pain in the Neck for Many

Every court of law has an administrative process to be followed and small claims is no exception. In addition to the paperwork there is an understanding that the plaintiff may have to present his or her case alone; there is no attorney in the courtroom. The burden of preparing the evidence and stating the problem is up to the individual. One mistake in the paperwork can send everything back to square one. A group legal plan that allows for attorney assistance makes the whole process a lot easier. As part of the group legal services an attorney can advise an individual on how to prepare for the court appearance. The rules of evidence and presentation can be patiently explained and the person is better prepared. However, even if that problem is resolved there is another one.

 Getting the Award Is Tricky

Small claims will hand down an award, but make the plaintiff responsible for collecting the damages owed. There is no bailiff or constable who is going to go after the defendant for money that is owed. Being forced to do it alone can cause a number of people just to throw up their hands and forget about everything. That shouldn’t happen and Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services helps prevent that. One of our group legal services provided to any plan member is legal support in getting all the necessary paperwork done together award. This includes help with the paperwork needed to garnish the defendant’s wages or place a lien against that person’s property. Naturally, our attorneys don’t want to have to go to that extreme. It is why Countrywide attorneys also can make telephone calls and send letters on official stationary for the client. A defendant who reads a letter from an attorney gets a phone call advice of consequences is more apt to pay up that suffer the consequences. Countrywide group legal services can make the entire process move smoothly and quickly. If an award is owed is easier to get with a Countrywide attorney working on the situation.

Countrywide Believes In Comprehensive Legal Service

People don’t just need help with small claims cases. A person might need help drafting a will, or getting help from a public agency. Countrywide provides those type of legal benefits for group legal plan members. We understand organizations want to have benefits that are tailored to their employees. That is why we offer a market basket of group legal services options and let the organization choose which ones to have. Our experience in designing legal benefits allows us to be very flexible and responsive to any need. We also see to it that administration is as efficient as possible. Every member of a Countrywide plan can expect to receive excellent service from legal professionals who truly care.

It is not true to say you can’t get justice from the courts. Sometimes it’s just the administrative snarls and tangles that slow things up. A Countrywide group legal plan can cut through the problems and help a person with their small claims situation. It is just one of the comprehensive legal benefits that we provide to assist people with legal situations. Contact us today!