You Warrant Consumer Protection Countrywide Helps You Get It

auto-warranty-300x203Christmas is just around the corner. If you do not think so, all you have to do is look at the displays starting to pop up in the stores. Retailers get ready for the holiday early and some of them are already emphasizing great deals. It does not matter whether it is in a regular store on the Internet, bargains are cropping up, and warranties attached to many of them.


Warranties are an easy sale for many merchants. A consumer can defray some of the cost of repairing an appliance with the warranty. However, not all warranties are good, and not all warranties are honored. Group legal plans should have a service that allows people to deal with warranty issues. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services happens to offer that assistance.


The Trouble Is in the Details


Sales representatives often push warranties because they are an easy way of making money. Consumers do not always read the warranty, and this can cause a problem. The warranty may specify only certain parts may be used, or specific contractors must do the repair work. The law allows a person to read the warranty before it is agreed upon, but it does not always happen.


Worst-case scenarios are when the issuer of the warranty refuses to honor it. This is unethical but some companies are concerned because they know most people will not process a grievance. Countrywide understands the frustration a person has with a bad warranty. Our pre-paid legal services include help with warranties and consumer protection. Both are necessary benefits during the holiday season.


Our Lawyers Help with Warranties and Consumer Protection


Countrywide has a nationwide network of attorneys who will provide pre-paid legal services to group legal plan members. These legal professionals know the problems that arise with warranties and can also guide on consumer protection issues.


A legal review of documents is one of our benefits. The Countrywide lawyer may look at the warranty and point out where the problems are (N.B. always let a lawyer review legal documents before you sign them). His or her opinion often determines whether a warranty is purchased. Problems with warranties that are not honored will not be a significant difficulty for Countrywide attorneys. They deal with this issue all the time.


Communication Is a Valuable Tool


There is a process for filing a consumer protection complaint. Countrywide lawyers will guide the group legal plan member through the paperwork. They will show individuals how to file and what information needs to be provided. Gathering information is something our lawyer can do.


We permit Countrywide lawyers to write letters and make telephone calls on behalf of the plan member. There is more to this assistance the gathering information. The lawyer can contact the other party directly and perhaps negotiate a reasonable settlement. It is no coincidence that a merchant is more willing to be accommodating if a lawyer is involved.


The Client Is Involved


We want to offer a group legal plan which benefits everyone in a client’s workforce. It helps us if we know what services are necessary. We asked the clients to provide us with input. The decision-makers determine what benefits will be part of the plan. We explain all our group legal plan options and wait for the client to decide. The choices made by the employer will be in the final document.


The holiday season should be a happy one without warranty hassles or consumer protection issues. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is here to make purchases a lot safer. If you have any questions about what we offer, please feel free to call us at your convenience. We are here to help you and your hard-working employees.