Articles Posted in Group Legal Services

sad-dollar-300x129It’s easy to be cynical about the government if all you hear are the screw-ups that happen. Yet, despite what skeptical folks may say, the government on all levels provides needed services on a routine basis to millions of people. These include medical support, education benefits, help with housing, transportation, and even food delivery. Public agencies exist to serve you, and not everyone realizes that.

Where Do You Think You Are Going? Continue reading

stockfresh_3279849_costs-benefits_sizeS_e3a3fc-300x200Group legal plans promote their pre-paid legal services as much as possible. The types of assistance, such as writing simple wills or helping with warranties, are given considerable attention as the plan administrators seek to impress prospective clients. As a result, there is a lot of talk, but that may be a severe problem.

Effective communication is essential in any employee benefit plan. However, there is more than talking and simply hearing causes problems and rarely provides solutions. There are some common communication mistakes to avoid. Continue reading

lastwilltestament-300x200COVID-19 has been compared to the Black Death of the Middle Ages. Stories of healthy people suddenly becoming ill and the fear of getting sick while doing everyday activities seem to have a parallel with tales of long ago. Fortunately, what is happening now is nowhere near as drastic, but people are beginning to show risky behaviors that are alarming.

I Will Take My Chances Continue reading

stockfresh_1627257_estate-planning-word-cloud-concept_sizeS-300x300Family members should not be enemies or rivals. Blood is thicker than water, and people connected by family ties should not compete. That makes sense, but sometimes kin are not always friendly. This is the case with the estate of a deceased loved one.

Estates can bring out the worst in people. Greed can run riot as cousins and nieces bicker over pieces of furniture or plots of property none of them may have ever seen. The tragedy is the tale of hurt feelings, and things said that will not be forgiven. A simple will that expressly spells out who will get what prevents a lot of grief. Group legal plans will offer drafting of simple wills as a benefit option. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services will create simple wills with a little bit extra. Continue reading

employee-benefits-300x207Employees are getting a little picky when it comes to employee benefits these days. They know that retention and productivity are essential for their employer’s success, and the right benefits plan will assure both. Workers don’t want window dressing; they want benefits that will help them. An inadequate benefits package will send good employees packing for a better job.

Assistance with common legal issues is a benefit many employees would like to have. Group legal plans must have certain features to pass the test with an organization’s staff. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a group legal plan benefit with features that make it very attractive. Continue reading

stockfresh_8439488_keyboard-with-blue-keypad-consumer-protection-3d-illustration_sizeS-300x200People who shop indoors can be a little bit skeptical about the product. They can examine it and discover whether there is a problem with what is on the shelf. In online shopping, a lot of buyer trust is placed only on looking at a picture of what is being offered. That is the type of trust that goes against the caveat emptor principle of the marketplace. We trust merchants who might not be selling a good product, and there is a severe chance of consumer fraud.

Being Careful

The Federal Trade Commission is aware of online fraud and urges those who shop online to proceed with caution. The Commission’s reminders are intended to prevent fraud from occurring in online transactions, and these recommend the following: Continue reading

stockfresh_862586_identity-theft-and-social-security-card_sizeS-300x200Cyber Security is a significant issue in America. We rely on using online shopping for buying opportunities and use financial platforms for banking and investment. We are told those websites are secure, but that is not always true. Cybercrime is a billion-dollar business.

It is Large and Small

Everyone has been horrified by the stories of Russian hacking and the assault on the Department of Homeland Security. In addition, ransomware struck the University of California, and there are other stories of cyberpiracy. But please don’t think that these thefts center on large organizations or only come from the Internet. The little guy is caught as well. Continue reading

stockfresh_138092_read-the-fine-print-magnifying-glass_sizeS-300x240We all have a terrible habit of going too fast. Moderns society conditions us to move quickly to get the job done or take advantage of an opportunity. That can seem efficient, but there are situations when immediate steps produce unexpected, negative consequences. Unfortunately, it happens too often with legal documents.

Renters will fall into a speed trap. The pandemic has required people to move to new apartments, and employees right out of college will relocate to that excellent career opportunity. Getting a place to live is essential, and the sooner, the better. Unfortunately, an individual will often sign a lease without bothering to read the papers. That is dangerous. Continue reading

banner-300x114Service is a vital part of the business world, and that includes employee benefits. More people are working remotely and can no longer go around the corner to the HR Department for information. Some companies prefer to use websites and chat rooms for employee benefits, but that is insufficient. Remote workers sometimes feel alienated and want a face-to-face meeting. Those personal conferences must be high-quality encounters in which employees can get substantive service. Unfortunately, some group legal plans are not keen on communication and provide only the bare minimum. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is not one of those. We think communication is an essential part of superior service, and we have it as a top priority. Continue reading

stockfresh_6387113_gavel-and-stethoscope-on-table_sizeS-300x200COVID-19 has put the fear of God in many employees, young professionals included. Mortality is no longer an avoided topic but is now on the bucket list. This means more than working on simples wills and estates. Living wills, documents that are concerned with medical treatments, are no longer being swept under the rug.

It sounds a bit morbid, but the increased awareness about hospital procedures is healthy. An individual has the right to specify the health care they will receive. Unfortunately, anyone in an extreme situation such as a coma cannot convey their wishes. COVID-19 has caused health care providers to adopt automatic actions that they will initiate unless the patient gives other instructions. Clarity is critical. Continue reading