Articles Posted in Group Legal plans

stockfresh_5987416_customer-relationship_sizeS-300x200A lot goes into providing high-quality employee benefits. A program can have a primary selection of benefits that will draw employees’ attention, but that is often all. There has to be more to convince employees that a given benefit is worthwhile.

A good employee benefit needs additional secondary services that enhance the offerings. These can make service delivery more convenient, effective, and deeply appreciated by the employees. Group legal plans all offer some essential options. Some, unfortunately, do not give anything more than bare-bones service. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is not like that at all.

We Back up All of Our Benefits Continue reading

govWe know that many people would rather have a root canal without Novocain than deal with the government. Getting services from public agencies can be exasperating and there are times a person wonders why they should bother. Government is there to help and there are benefits such as reading tutors and transportation assistance that family members need. This might come as a shock, but you can get government help that you require without a lot of fuss. You simply must be ready to make the request.

Tips for Preparation Continue reading

stockfresh_3266726_benefits-concept_sizeS_39f284-300x200The 2019 workplace is a thing of the past. The pandemic and the urgency of hiring highly talented workers have created a new office environment, and employers are wise if they keep up with the times. Traditional benefits packages are expected, but employees want a little more to convince them to stay.


Group legal plans are benefits that employees will appreciate and use. These are more than just writing wills. A good group legal plan will include legal document review and help with government agencies, among other benefit options. This is great, but employers must remember that a little bit more is expected. Pre-paid legal services that offer extra benefits are what the average plan member has in mind. Continue reading

stockfresh_210865_mature-businesswomen-discuss-contract_sizeS-300x208Legal paperwork is not something that only major corporations or billionaires need to be concerned about. Many ordinary people encounter legal documents that have dire consequences should these pieces of paper be misunderstood or not followed. Everyone needs to accept that they must deal with legal agreements or conditions that a lawyer should review before they are signed.

Documents Needing Review Continue reading

stockfresh_181218_last-will-and-testament_sizeS_72a2cb-300x225We have discussed the importance of simple wills considering the consequences of not having one. It is bitter medicine but needs to be swallowed, especially by younger employees. We want to take a moment here and point out the benefits of a simple will. There are some significant estate planning features of this document.

Primary Benefits Continue reading

stockfresh_8381213_senior-couple-smiling_sizeS-300x179A living will is an excellent thing to have. It will enable a person to indicate what medical procedures are to be used should they become unresponsive due to a medical crisis. The living will mandates when life-sustaining efforts should stop.

The instructions in a living will are helpful. Healthcare providers know what is expected of them because the guidance is clear. However, someone must decide when to implement the living will directions. It is the reason for medical powers of attorney.

The Decision-Maker  Continue reading

stockfresh_3802975_legal-advice-road-sign-illustration-design-over-a-white-backgrou_sizeXS-300x140Every year thousands of people from foreign countries come to the United States as legal immigrants. They have their visas, and they have the authority to live in our neighborhoods. American business benefits significantly. These newcomers bring skills and knowledge used to increase profit margins and accomplish corporate goals. However, management must understand that these new people face difficulties dealing with public agencies and getting needed public services. Continue reading

stockfresh_4514580_referrals-3d-words-connected-arrows-new-customers-word-of-mouth_sizeS-300x300Group legal plans impress on prospective clients the quality of their services. These vendors do not hesitate to point out their lawyers and how these professionals will help an organization’s employees. It can be embarrassing to recommend a referral outside of the network; it can be viewed as an admission of inadequacy. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is not afraid to make referrals. We know that this is a means of providing even better service for our clients.

Reasons for Referrals

An immediate reason is expertise in a specific area of law. The legal profession has many specialties. Some of these are: Continue reading

stockfresh_181218_last-will-and-testament_sizeS_72a2cb-300x225Nobody wants to think about death. It will happen to us, but many do not want to think about dying or prepare for that final day. They are hesitant to write a last will, even though it can spare their loved ones a lot of grief. Some of the reasons for not having that document on the bucket list are ridiculous.


  1. Writing One Takes Too Much Time and Effort. Not really if you have an excellent attorney drafting the document.

Continue reading

employee-benefits-300x207Group legal plans offer assistance to help folks with common legal issues. Unfortunately, some vendors will only provide a few options, and that is all. They will stress the low prices for their bare-bones benefits, but sometimes low prices mean poor services. Employees expect more than the basics.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services go further than writing simple wills or reviewing legal documents. We will include some benefits that do not cost more and add value to the group legal plan we offer employers.

Increasing the Quality Continue reading