
Articles Posted in Wills


Making Your Wishes Known – Healthcare Providers Appreciate the Instructions

The advances in modern medicine are nearly miraculous. People who were once considered terminal cases now have a fighting chance to recover, survive, and thrive. Consumers are becoming aware of new therapies and treatments and they are also more cost-conscious. They want second opinions and will decide what they would…


Preventing a Domestic War – A Simple Will Stops a Family Feud

Group Legal Plans encourage members to use the simple will drafting benefit. It isn’t too complicated and a simple will determines how an estate is distributed. It prevents a lot of probate court hassles and there is something else even more important. This pre-paid legal services option can prevent a…


Preparing for the Final Curtain – A Simple Will Makes It Easier

Death will come unannounced. An individual may die while asleep or from an unexpected heart attack. While we can’t always prepare for death, we can protect our loved ones from the consequences with a simple will. People Forget You can’t take it with you is an old saying. It is…


Dealing with the Ordinary – Routine Services Add to Overall Quality

Legal issues are ordinarily not the courtroom dramas seen on television. Law is primarily a system of paper processing and filings. There are deadlines and evidence requirements which most people do not understand. Group legal plans promote services that help plan members deal with ordinary situations. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services…


Emotional Benefits of a Living Will – Family Emotions Can Be Soothed

A living will sounds like a contradiction. Wills are supposed to convey the wishes of dead people so why bother with one? A living will, and the accompanying medical powers of attorney, are more important than many people can appreciate. Both safeguard the emotions of survivors and loved ones. The…


Document Drafting is a Legal Service – People Need This Assistance From Time to Time

Pre-paid legal services include creating documents. There are many forms of legal paper an individual might use and some that are essential. In fact there can be serious consequences for not having the latter. Effective group legal plans offer a variety of document drafting service. Protecting Your Survivors Everyone should…


Speeding Up the Judicial Process – A Simple Will Gets Probate Court Moving

The judicial system moves slowly, and probate court is perhaps the most cautious. Probate takes its time because the court concerns itself with the legitimate rights of survivorship. The most commonly used pre-paid legal services benefit of group legal plans is drafting simple wills. This is something all plan members…


Employers Need Living Wills – The Document Can Influence Claims Experience

Organizations should pay close attention to living wills and powers of attorney. These are standard pre-paid legal services offered by group legal plans and both documents are important to any employer. Each can influence the claims experience of the group health plan. The Basic Details Living wills center on catastrophic…


Protect Your Family with A Will – A Simple Will Brings Peace of Mind

Group legal plans will advertise their ability to write wills. It is an excellent idea to have one and a last will should be on everyone’s bucket list. It isn’t. Too many people put off one until later. They believe they are too young to need one. It is a…


Drafting A Will Properly – It Helps Avoid Mistakes

A will is something everyone needs, but not everyone drafts one properly. There are those who will write their own on a piece of paper and others who use an online template. Such methods have the potential of creating drastic consequences. Wills composed this way can leave behind a great…

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