Articles Tagged with medical bills


More employers are switching to high deductible health insurance plans. It is a means of keeping health costs under control, as well as making premiums more affordable. The deductibles can be $5000 or more per year. Without proper planning or information, a medical deductible can pose a threat to any person’s financial wellness.


You Protect Yourself by Managing Your Deductibles


You do not have to let deductibles destroy your budget. There are ways to manage the medical deductible and keep the cost under reasonable control. It means a person must be conscious about the overall expense of medical care.


*Understand the Plan. Health insurance plans spell out coverage, and the plan member bears the costs. Learning more about the value of procedures permits an employee to save money to pay for those expensive treatments. Some medical procedures are prevented and are low cost or even free of charge. This is the kind of information any individual can use. Continue reading

                                                                                There are Other Ways Out of Debt Trouble

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A recent college graduate does not always have the tools necessary to deal with financial challenges. College debt is a major issue. Many people leave college with debt well into the five figures and are not quite sure how to handle it. Regrettably, they sometimes take the easy way out. It can jeopardize financial wellness. The most common steps taken are to use forbearance or, in extreme cases, declaring bankruptcy. Forbearance essentially allows a college graduate to put off until tomorrow the debt which is owed today. This does not make the obligation go away. Instead, it means that college debt is something that takes years more to pay off. Continue reading

stockfresh_299770_broke_sizeSMedical expenses terrify many people. Simple surgeries which may help a person are avoided because of the dread of the cost. With deductibles ranging up to $5000 or more, this anxiety is understandable. The financial wellness of many people hangs on the ability to pay those bills. Continue reading