Articles Posted in Identity Theft

Id theft and Banks are becoming synonymous

It can be paying bills or depositing money, online banking is something that consumers really enjoy. It is so convenient and it allows a person to avoid long lines or mailing credit card payments. This is all great but there is a very dark cloud coming in on the horizon. Internet thieves have become even more sophisticated in the devious work they do. Banks were once thought of as being very safe places on the Internet, but that has dramatically changed. The large financial institution of J.P. Morgan Chase was hacked into recently. This is a bank that invests millions of dollars in computer security. Its defenses were breached and other banks may be at risk as well. A person needs a group legal plan benefit to be safe from this invasion.

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Recent Hacking News Has made the Public Very Nervous


Criminal minds never rest. They are constantly on the lookout for an opportunity for theft and sophisticated precautions do not stop them from trying. The media has recently reported about a cyber-attack that was committed against J.P. Morgan Chase, with the possibility of several other banks being targeted as well. This is an instance where hackers are trying to burrow through security walls into the confidential information of a lot of bank depositors. It is something that makes a lot of people extremely nervous. People are very worried about the security of their personal information and with very good reason; hackers are constantly trying to get a hold of it. Once stolen, this information can be used to set up bogus credit card accounts or conduct other illegal activities based on the stolen information. A group legal plan that can offer some form of identity protection will ease many troubled minds.

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Quick Response Ends the Emergency

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One would think that with better firewalls and Internet security systems identity theft should be a thing of the past. It isn’t because the thieves just got smarter. They are now calling people directly at home, alerting folks to “problems” with their home computers and asking for information to help correct the situation. People who are trusting provide all kinds of financial information, and find out later that their financial security has been compromised. ID theft is a major shock that can disrupt a person’s entire life. Companies who are employee sensitive realize the catastrophe and providing for identity theft is sensible part of a comprehensive group legal plan.
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ID Protection is Important

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We trust people and unfortunately that can be a terrible mistake. Someone calls during the day and says that your computer needs to be checked for virus. Without thinking, confidential information such as a credit card number is shared over the phone. That is dangerous because identity thieves don’t just hack into online accounts. They will call and steal information from an unsuspecting person. The resulting emergency is quite real. The thief will immediately take that information and use the credit card. Even worse, if other personal information is shared, a bogus credit card can be established and maxed out with purchases. The victim may not know about the theft until days or weeks later. An important group legal plan that every human resources director should consider is one that will help safeguard a person’s identity. We offer such protection.

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Platinum Identity Theft Protector Plan is the best defense


It is no joke that hackers are alive and well and breaking down security walls. The media has not only discussed the Heartbleed emergency but also has reported on major retail websites such as EBay being compromised. We live in a society where debit and credit cards are the primary means of financial transactions. E-commerce websites to try to maintain a stiff defense, but security walls can be breached and financial information can be compromised. When it happens financial information can be stolen and used immediately. The victim may not know until weeks later the extent of the damage, and discover that his or her credit ratings have been destroyed. Group legal services that offer firm protection against identity theft is something all consumers would like to have.

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Internet Hackers are becoming bolder

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Insurance exchanges are something employers are turning to more and more for benefits. Corporate decision-makers like the ability of an insurance exchange to offer not just health insurance, but other benefit options as well. It allows hard-working employees to tailor their own comprehensive benefits plan. There are some standard options that are being offered but one that is not always seen is ID Theft Protection. That is unfortunate because this is something consumers certainly need.

Identity Theft Is Dangerous

Identity theft protection is a voluntary benefit option that is definitely in line with the times. The media made a great deal about the superbug Heart bleed, but hacker threats to a person’s financial information is an ongoing problem.

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Identity Theft Prevention protects Personal Finances

A very serious security breach has recently shocked the Internet world. The computer virus known as “Heartbleed” was reported to have broken into the security of thousands of service providers. Passwords, usernames, and other security measures were compromised by this virus. The major sites have moved quickly and patched up the problem. However, a threat like this should make a consumer be a little more sensitive about identity theft. Those who are members of a voluntary benefit plan that has ID theft prevention should be thankful they have such protection.

The Danger is real

Countrywide can assist in monitoring credit

We live in a plastic world of convenience. Credit cards are used for nearly all retail transactions, and people greatly enjoy the convenience. This does come with a fair amount of risk. Hackers are breaking into consumer records all the time. These thieves can compromise credit card information and use them to establish bogus credit card accounts. They can easily make numerous purchases and before the fraud is detected, these felons are out of reach. A good voluntary benefit plan for legal assistance should include something to help guard credit scores.

The Loss Can Be Substantial

Keeping ID information safe

A cashless economy is extremely convenient for people. Consumers really don’t enjoy carrying around large sums of money and debit and credit cards are a great convenience. The downside is the possibility of identity theft. Hackers have upped their game when it comes to larceny, knowing that a gold mine can be uncovered with the right code. These deeds are beginning to crack open a number of security walls. The results are reports in the media of numerous credit card identity thefts. People have a right to be nervous about this and try to find protection from such privacy invasions. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers ID theft prevention and assistance as an added benefit to a group legal plan.

Time is critical

ID theft monitoring protects personal information

Consumer reliance on web-based transactions created the risk of hackers working long hours to develop ways of breaking through firewalls of security. When a breach occurs a person’s identity, including financial information, is compromised. It can be a horrible shock to anyone when notification arrives of a major unauthorized purchase, or transactions being made on a bogus credit card. Identity theft can tear a person away from responsibilities as he or she tries to regain financial integrity. This often frantic effort generates days away from work and an employee totally preoccupied with the personal danger. Productivity suffers.

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