Articles Posted in Legal documents

It Helps You Get Necessary Financing




Allowance and stipend were the primary sources of income for many Millennials in their college years. Everything becomes different when these young people accept their first full-time jobs. There’s a paycheck coming in, considerably larger than the amount of money they used to get, and there’s a feeling of financial importance. It is essential to understand material value, regardless of what a person thinks about property. Financial wellness is influenced by what you know about your money.

It is easy for a person to discover his or her real value with the right tools. Not every benefits vendor has them, but a financial wellness plan sponsored by Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does. We have what is necessary to help a person look at their complete financial picture. Continue reading

Our Program Comes to Your Financial Rescue




You might think that all debt problems arise from plastic but that is not true. Granted, people often create large credit card amounts by spending. However, these are usually controllable. What drives an individual into financial wellness difficulty are sudden expenses. These could be medical bills, having to buy a new car, or sudden family emergency. The situation can get serious quickly.

Debt Management Plans Prevent Panic

Many employees live from paycheck to paycheck. They may be able to just barely get to the end of the month with the budget they have. A sudden financial emergency can turn matters into a train wreck. The person could panic and consider filing for bankruptcy which is not a good idea. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a financial wellness program that includes a debt management plan. It is something to be used in extreme cases.
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Forbearance or Bankruptcy are Not the Only Options




Many recent college graduates may be facing a serious financial wellness issue in the coming weeks. The grace period provided by many college loan programs is ending, and a person must face the reality of making payments. This can cause an enormous amount of anxiety and lead to some very poor decisions if an individual does not get the right advice.

Counselors Outline the Options

The enormity of the debt is something most young people never encountered before. The debt can be as large as a house mortgage, and the figures can be bewildering. There are various options, such as forbearance, but these might not be the best alternatives. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does not want to see anybody caught in a financial mess. We have a financial wellness program to help.
The challenge can is easily resolved by knowing more about personal money. College graduates don’t always understand budgets and consequently come up short at the wrong time of the month. Countrywide has certified counselors whose first active service is to help newcomers to the working world prepare a budget. The professionals will look at income expenses and determine if any reallocation of funds can be accomplished. Continue reading

Giving Comprehensive Legal Assistance



Group legal plans are not all the same. Even though vendors may have almost identical benefit options, pre-paid legal services will differ. It is how the various benefits are administered, along with secondary benefits, they create the disparity. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is a leader in the industry because of the overall quality of what we give.

Countrywide will provide basic group legal plan benefits such as writing a simple will, consumer protection advice, and drafting medical powers of attorney. We go a little bit further than other vendors, however, by some of the other activities we will do for the sake of a plan member. These include the following:
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Quality Adds Value to a Group Legal Plan



Decision-makers can take the opportunity of a new year to insist on better service. Benefits offered to employees should not only solve problems, but provides necessary assistance that makes all the effort convenient for employees. Some group legal plans will stay with the old-fashioned way of doing things. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services strongly feels that it is how we provide help that determines the quality of the benefits we offer.

We Combine Experience with Professional Help

We provide pre-paid legal services for organizations of all sizes, and have done so for the last 30 years. What we offer is a group legal plan benefit which can resolve the issues of many people. These options are what employees need, but, frankly, an organization can expect more and should. Good service is more than a website with a frequently asked questions page, and some pages explaining various benefits. Hard-working people enjoy personal contact with a real professional. They need to have serious questions answered. Continue reading

You can Manage the Credit Cards with Countrywide Helpcredit-cards-300x200


The Christmas holiday season is now over. No doubt, you have probably cleaned up all the mess and the empty boxes have been picked up by the garbage collection. You may be looking back at the holidays as a fun time with your family. That’s nice but there may be something coming ahead that is going to cause problems for your financial wellness. Christmas cheer comes at a price.
Credit Debt Grows

Shoppers use plastic for many purchases and those cards come out during the shopping season of December. Your generosity may be amazing, but the bill is coming. The Grinch didn’t steal Christmas but the charges on the credit cards can rip a hole in your finances. Your January statement may show that you have spent more you needed to, and you are in very serious credit card debt. It is not easy to figure out how to get out of the problem and help may be needed. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is here to help. We have a financial wellness program that can provide needed assistance. Continue reading

It Makes Medical Care Decisions Easier



Employees will plan their healthcare for the coming year. They will look at the calendar and determine when they will make medical appointments, and when certain procedures will be scheduled. This is often to manage better the deductibles that they must pay. It all makes sense, but there’s one thing that many of these people are forgetting. What is going to happen if something truly drastic occurs?

Tragedy Comes Unexpectedly

Accidents can happen, and chronic seizures strike without warning. These can leave a person in a coma, unable to tell doctors what type of treatment is preferred. Drastic situations may include a person being on life-support with no chance of revival. Hospitals are required to keep a person alive as long as possible. Living wills can help provide guidance, and good group legal plans have them. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services include drafting of a living will in the group legal plan benefit options. Continue reading

It is a Sensible New Goal 


The New Year is approaching and now is when many people create New Year’s resolutions. Some of these goals for 2018 include matters such as clearing up credit card debt, getting a better handle on student loan payments, and finding ways to work with medical debt. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services believe that financial wellness is one of the best New Year’s resolutions a person can have. We offer a benefit that organizations can provide for employees that address this.

Financial Wellness Varies

People have distinct needs. One person may want to have information about how to buy a house properly and another needs assistance with medical bills. Someone else might want to know more about what assets he or she might have, and another person may only need a personal budget analysis. Unfortunately, some people are in such financial despair that only a debt management plan will get them out of trouble. Countrywide offers all kinds of services. It could be as simple as a budget analysis or as complex as how to best deal with credit cards. It depends on the person. Continue reading

Countrywide Offers Proactive Strategies



College students often live in a ramen noodle atmosphere where money is scarce. It comes as a pleasant shock when the same people land their first real job and start getting paychecks. Flush with cash, they start spending, and the spending can get out-of-control. Reality hits when the six-month grace period ends, and it is time to start paying down the college debt.

Financial wellness can be stressed because spending habits have settled in just as the loan repayment cycles begin. Millennials who have used credit cards in the past to buy groceries are now using them for other purchases, and that simply drives the debt higher. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to help a person get out of what is turning into a financial sinkhole. We have a financial wellness program that can do a lot to correct the situation. Countrywide has a nationwide network of certified financial counselors. These professionals work with plan members to sturdy the boat. A budget analysis is the first part of the service. The results might not be encouraging. Continue reading

These Documents Provide Terminal Guidance



We often think our last moments will be in a bed surrounded by loved ones. It is a very romantic picture, but it is not often the case. Instead, a dying or comatose person is surrounded by nurses and doctors wondering what to do. Healthcare professionals are required to keep a person alive as long as possible. It can stretch out into days, weeks, and months. A living will is an important benefit a group legal plan should offer.

Living Wills Are Instructions

The final stage of a person’s life could be brought on by a catastrophic emergency. It could be an auto accident or a massive heart attack either of which might leave a person still living, but barely. The  victim may be completely unresponsive and is surviving due to life support system. Modern technology can extend life, but it might not be what the victim wants. Continue reading