Articles Posted in Phone Consultation

A Financial Emergency Can Be Managed



Personal finances stymie some people. They might make good money, but their expenses have gotten out of hand. This happens if a person has quite a few credit cards and perhaps a student loan or medical deductible expenses as well. The result can be a mountain of debt that looms over the financial wellness of that person.

It is not unusual for a few to simply ignore the debt. This is especially true with those who have student loan debt. They will either ignore making payments or just pay the minimum. It doesn’t help them one bit. Many debts have interest payments on top of them, and it just prolongs the pain process. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to help people get out of the trap. It is why we have a financial wellness program to provide service. Continue reading

The Right Words Matter a Great Deal


We are surrounded by technology. There are mobile apps, Internet websites, and social media intended to connect us to other people and the services we need. That’s nice, but it doesn’t always work. There are some needs, such as pre-paid legal services, that need a little bit more than the tap of a mouse pad to connect. A group legal plan is judged by the quality of the services provided.

Human Contact is Essential

People need answers that are more developed then a recording or script on a website. The legal dilemmas folks encounter may require separate answers for individual concerns. It is something that is not easily done with technology. People matter when it comes to pre-paid legal services. Arranging a meeting with a lawyer is not always done by other group legal plans. Countrywide not only makes meetings easy but encourages such conferences. Our nationwide network of attorneys allows for a plan member to easily get in contact with a lawyer. The consultation can be arranged, and a face-to-face discussion allowed. Continue reading

Foreign Workers Are Grateful for the Helpimmigration-doors-300x288


The United States has always been a favorite place for hard-working foreigners. These people come to this country with work visas and perhaps the hope of someday becoming citizens. The opportunity and the wages are both major incentives to come here. A problem surfaces in dealing with the government. People sometimes have difficulty, and pre-paid legal services can help remove obstacles.

Many are fluent in English but only when it comes to speaking it. Our language is complicated and legal/administrative jargon is even more difficult. A foreign worker can have trouble understanding what various application forms want. Also, the deadlines may be something entirely different.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has an option which offers help dealing with public agencies. Our nationwide network of attorneys is part of the group legal plan, and they can offer needed assistance quickly. The Countrywide professional will also examine what information is being asked by the agency. If the plan member does not have what is needed, the attorney will tell what is required. Countrywide will make sure that any submission to a public agency is in proper order without anything left out. Continue reading

No One Should be Stuck With a Faulty Product




Consumer protection is not meant to antagonize or annoy any business. Instead, the laws are in place to protect consumers from unethical establishments. It is unfortunate, but in the marketplace, there are those who wish to take advantage of unsuspecting people. They’re able to get away with a lot of mischiefs because victims are hesitant to file complaints. A group legal plan with consumer protection service is important.

Our high-tech society is full of gadgets and services catering to sophisticated data search. Not all of these are high-quality, and some are very defective. A person should not have to pay for any poorly made merchandise. Pre-paid legal services ought to have options that will allow a person to file consumer protection complaints. It would allow consumers to seek redress as well as warn other companies of consequences. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services includes consumer protection as an option for a group legal plan. Continue reading

The Language Need Not Be Confusing



Consumers like warranties. The possibility of getting reduce costs on repairs and new parts is attractive, and car dealers and other merchants are willing to sell warranties to the public. These business people know that warranties are rarely invoked, and the selling price is easy cash. Nevertheless, warranties are sometimes cited in repair work, and people run into problems. Group legal plan assistance is necessary to unravel the mess.

It is All Bout Words and Phrases.

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and After Market Parts are common phrases in an automobile warranty but are unfamiliar to most people. Not knowing the language is perhaps the biggest difficulty with warranties. Countrywide has a nationwide network of attorneys who are well-versed in the language. One of the pre-paid legal services these professionals provide is to interpret the warranty itself. A meeting with a Countrywide lawyer will help uncover the problems and provide clarity. Continue reading

Credit Monitoring Will Sound Alarms



We all have good reason to worry about hacking. It is the most common form of cyber theft and is an industry by itself. Hackers are very sophisticated in the work that they do and pose a very serious threat to financial wellness. It takes more than a standard group legal plan to confront these criminals.

Hackers Are Getting Better

Hackers have become increasingly more ingenious and bold. This year has already seen both Chipotle, and Verizon hacked by outside parties. These Internet thieves are not creating individual credit card accounts with the information. Instead, they are selling bundles of stolen data to others who will then use the information for their own purposes. It can be very frightening. Continue reading

The Medical Bills Can Be Staggering



Employees expect to pay medical premiums either bi-weekly or monthly. They’re able to budget for these expenses and know what the figures will be. Something that is extremely difficult to budget for, and catches a person by surprise, is the medical deductible. It has the potential of harming the financial wellness of anyone.

Employers in the past few years have tried to contain medical insurance costs by raising the deductible. It means that deductibles that were once one or $2000 are now up to $5000 per year. The crisis sets in when someone has an illness or condition that is not temporary. Continue reading

Countrywide Excels at It!



There are group legal plans which do not understand communication. The vendors provide service at a distance, or through a page on a website. This may look efficient, but it is not. Communication is more important than this.

Quality Matters

A little extra should be part of the services. Anyone can easily forget a question or two, and getting back to the attorney is important. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services allows an unlimited number of telephone calls to the attorney in each situation. It means additional questions can be asked at another time. This ability to further communicate with the lawyer at no cost helps. Continue reading

Medical Powers of Attorney Are Critical



Paper, paper, paper. Everything seems to have a form or a document attached to it. Many people don’t bother with certain legal papers because they’re tired of the pile. An example is medical powers of attorney. Not everybody understands the importance but good group legal plans allow for help with this document.

It is important to Have Medical Powers of Attorney

The reason is clarity. Anyone who is the victim of a major car accident or medical disaster might be in a coma. The hospital does not know what this person wants as far as treatment. This can extend to life support systems which do not automatically turn off. The hospital staff is justifiably concerned about any lawsuits and will keep patient on life support indefinitely. That can cause expenses to skyrocket as time goes on. There’s also cost that is highly personal and very emotional. A patient who is near death can linger on life support systems. This causes agony of hope for love ones who pray for America which may never come. At the same time, these people are looking over their shoulders at the possibility of mounting debt. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is very familiar with the anxiety and suffering. We have the drafting of medical powers of attorney as a group legal plan benefit. Continue reading

You Can Win the Day in Courtsmallclaims-300x214


Not that many people have a day in court because most will settle before the cases are filed. However, there are situations where individuals go before a small claims court. This is a bench that hears disputes of perhaps $5000 or less, although some states have a higher threshold. It can get confusing and a group legal plan can help sort things out.

There are many reasons why issues end up in small claims court. It can be an argument over a property line, a warranty which is not being honored, or contract that has still has not been completed. The difference between this court and others is the lack of an attorney. Legal counsel will not represent you in court, and you must rely on yourself, instead. It is a reason why some cases don’t get anywhere. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services knows that not all cases before small claims are frivolous. Many are substantial and require a ruling. We wish to be of help and it is why preparing a small claims court case is one of our group legal plan options. Continue reading