Articles Posted in Attorney


Legal issues can create anxiety and some cases produce real fear. An ordinary person does not deal with the law as an everyday occasion. When a problem surfaces, that same person may not understand what to do and needs help. Group legal plans offer a lot of services, but the quality of those benefits depends on the communication the plan allows.

An individual needs help with his or her unique problem. Q&A pages on a website will offer advice on everyday issues but that is not enough. Some vendors will have private chat rooms where a person can explain the difficulties. That sounds nice, but once again, it doesn’t provide high quality. People want to be able to speak directly with an attorney with the assurance that all conversation is confidential.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services knows about the importance of a conversation and we give priority to communication between a Group Legal Plan member and a Countrywide attorney. Continue reading


It’s ridiculous, but there are group legal plans that try to cut corners with communications. They will use slideshows, emails, or webpages to tell plan members what to do or to convey messages to other parties. What is forgotten in these attempts is the importance of good communications when it comes to pre-paid legal services. The way information is transferred can be critical to the overall quality of any group legal plan.

Contact with the Outside

A group legal plan does not represent a member in the ordinary sense, but there are situations where a lawyer must contact an outside party to resolve a problem. It is not enough to rely on emails alone. The meaning of the message can become lost, or the real intent of the contact is not fully appreciated. It means that letters on official stationery, often several paragraphs long, or telephone calls will be necessary. Continue reading


Group legal plans will help members with routine legal challenges. They do an excellent job of resolving such issues, but there is a limit to what an ordinary attorney can do.


The law is a service that has many facets and specialties. People sometimes need help in areas that go above and beyond writing simple wills. Immigration law is something that many employees need specialized support in, and the same is true regarding adoption law. It requires asking uniquely trained lawyers to provide help, and a referral to those legal professionals is necessary. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides high-quality advice, but we will not hesitate to refer a Group Legal Plan member to other attorneys if that will help. Continue reading

Any Assistance Means a Lot to Them



Newly hired Millennial employees for a face many challenges. Quite a few are experiencing independent, adult living for the first time. While the paycheck looks great, financial responsibilities take away much of the money. It isn’t long before the grace period on college loans end, and a person has start making payments. There’s a certain amount of confusion which could lead to trouble with financial wellness. It is important to help these new staff members as they learn how to manage their cash properly. The individual determines the need to be addressed. To be sure, Millennials will perhaps be dealing with college loan debt but there are other financial difficulties. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has, in addition to group legal plans, a financial wellness program that has the objective of providing necessary information and guidance to all employees, particularly Millennials.

Professionals Teach the Financial Wellness Lessons

College debt is something that these young employees are forced to deal with, and many do not know all the ways to manage college debt. It is no surprise that Millennials who are doing well financially have no idea about refinancing their education loan obligations. Countrywide has a nationwide network of certified counselors. These are professionals who deal with modern money problems, including how to deal with college loan repayment. They can instruct a plan member on how to go about refinancing, and warn this individual against possible problems. Ignorance is the biggest threat to any Millennial. Not being able to develop a sensible budget can cause difficulty later. Our counselors will gladly talk with these young employees and do a budget analysis of their existing situation. It is amazing how often these hard-working employees discover they’re not quite sure how to manage their finances. A simple budget analysis performed by Countrywide counselor can clear up any confusion. Continue reading

Foreign Workers Are Grateful for the Helpimmigration-doors-300x288


The United States has always been a favorite place for hard-working foreigners. These people come to this country with work visas and perhaps the hope of someday becoming citizens. The opportunity and the wages are both major incentives to come here. A problem surfaces in dealing with the government. People sometimes have difficulty, and pre-paid legal services can help remove obstacles.

Many are fluent in English but only when it comes to speaking it. Our language is complicated and legal/administrative jargon is even more difficult. A foreign worker can have trouble understanding what various application forms want. Also, the deadlines may be something entirely different.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has an option which offers help dealing with public agencies. Our nationwide network of attorneys is part of the group legal plan, and they can offer needed assistance quickly. The Countrywide professional will also examine what information is being asked by the agency. If the plan member does not have what is needed, the attorney will tell what is required. Countrywide will make sure that any submission to a public agency is in proper order without anything left out. Continue reading

A Countrywide Attorney will get the Facts Straight


Small Claims Court can be thought of like a People’s Court. It is where many disputes are settled. These are not major cases, and most settlements are only a few thousand dollars, although some states will allow for more. A comprehensive group legal plan providing the right aid will help a person win the day in court.

The Challenges of Small Claims Court

What are these issues that surface? It could be as simple as a warranty not being honored, the rental lease misunderstood, or property damage problem that isn’t being resolved. Many think that they will be represented by a lawyer in this court and that is not true; Small claims court do not have the usual judicial etiquette. The individual must present the case alone. It can be a scary situation for anyone. It happens too many times that a person will simply forget about the case and let the other party get away with what they have done. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to provide the kind of guidance that gets a person what is owed. We help in many ways. Continue reading

It Prolongs Grieflastwilltestament-300x200

Death does not always come quickly. It is true some people will perish instantly in an accident but many others will not. They may be placed on life-support, even though the chances of being revived are almost nil, it does more than create an unrealistic hope for the survivors. Life-support systems also prolong the agony. The victim is in a state of suspended animation and is artificially kept alive. The services of a group legal plan can bring a merciful end to this dilemma.

The sorrow of loved ones is prolonged as they look at a body which is not moving. There is worse that can happen. Life-support system keeps individual alive, and this means the estate cannot be settled. Money that is needed for college tuition, or even to pay the bills incurred by the hospital stay, is delayed indefinitely. Situations, where there is no chance of recovery, can be resolved by medical powers of attorney. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers such assistance. Continue reading

Read the Fine Print - Magnifying Glass

Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware, is a traditional marketplace warning. It cautions a person to be very careful about what is being purchased, and many people are. They will hedge their bets so to speak by buying a warranty. This covers the cost of repair, but even this has a cautionary note. There are those who will not honor the warranty. It is why a group legal plan needs to consider warranties and consumer protection. Continue reading


Pre-paid legal services will usually cover some essential needs. Drafting a will or helping with government agencies is something that anyone can expect. However, there are times when special types of legal expertise are needed. It may be above and beyond what an ordinary attorney can do. A group legal plan must be able to respond to such a need. Continue reading

Senior Adult Couple Going Over Papers in Their Home with Agent.
It appears many people think they’re indestructible. They’re not worried about any accidents happening to them because they don’t believe it is possible. This is true with young employees, unfortunately. They will use pre-paid legal services, but they may think just writing a will is all that is necessary. That is only part of the means to protect your loved ones.

It Can Occur Suddenly

Disaster can come in an ambulance with lights flashing and sirens wailing. Accidents can happen, and those on the road can be devastating. At the same time, they might not be fatal but something worse. That would be you, as the victim, surviving on life-support with no chance of ever regaining consciousness. The medical facility will do everything to keep you alive, and that could be for an extended time.